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The CBC AGM took place on the 21st January 2025.

   Click to access the relevant documents: 2025 AGM Agenda / 2025 AGM Finance Report  / 2025 AGM last Year's AGM Minutes / 2025 CBC AGM Secretary and Acting Chaimans Report.pdf


The Penylan Club AGM will be held in the Club on Tuesday the 25th February 2025 at the slightly earlier time of 6.15pm.

Click HERE to see the official AGM notice and nominations for the committee.

Any Motions or further nominations duly proposed and seconded must be notified to Martin Joseph by Thursday the 13th February, following which an Agenda and any relevant documents will be sent out.

Last year's supporting documents can be viewed by clicking on 'Membership' in the menu above and then on the 'Penylan' tab


Bridge Lessons

Cardiff Bridge Club does not accept responsibility for Bridge Tuition advertised on this site that is not presented by Cardiff Bridge Club.


To read what some former learners have said about the tuition they have received click on Teaching Review BE..pdf and Teaching Review DB.pdf

Bridge Teacher
Bridge Teacher

Simon Gottschalk

Simon is a Welsh International, one of the first players to be certified to teach Bridge by the English Bridge Union (EBU).

Simon says:  "I learned bridge at school in the 1970's and then played regularly at University. After staring my IT career with ICL in the late 1970's I was fortunate to meet-up with a group of like minded bridge players based at the Young Chelsea Bridge Club in London. We played a lot of bridge !  I attended one of the first EBU Teaching Courses in 1981 (bridge A-level) and afterwards taught bridge for a South London Adult Education Authority. I then taught bridge privately for a few months alongside setting-up my own IT business in 1984 -which involved delivering software programming training courses. More bridge followed until the early 1990's when new demands of family life, work and immigration to South Wales reduced bridge activities to a bare minimum. However, from 2004 I started playing bridge events again. I delivered a series of "Bridge Rules" talks for Cardiff Bridge Club and during the COVID pandemic I tried to keep people entertained by delivering short online "Bridge Talks" on a variety of topics. In 2018 I made my first Welsh International Seniors team appearance.    In 2021 I attended the EBED "Teach the Bridge Teachers" course and following on I have delivered both the EBED Beginning Bridge and Continuing Bridge courses for Cardiff Bridge Club.".



Bridge Teacher
Bridge Teacher

Brian Quinlan

Brian is an experienced club/congress player, certified to teach Bridge by the English Bridge Teaching Association (EBTA).

Brian says:  "I learned Bridge in the 1970’s, played for 5 years, first ACOL, then the Italian Blue Club system.  Work and family then took me away from the game for 28 years.  When I retired to France, I played the French system (in French) for 3 years before moving in 2010 to South Wales where I relearned ACOL.
EBTA qualified in 2016, I mainly teach those who understand the basics or are returning to the game after an absence and want to improve their game.  Since Covid, my teaching has been on-line through RealBridge.
I would encourage anyone to play this fascinating card game.  It can be fun at a social level and rewarding to master the competitive nuances of both bidding and play at Club level and above.

Bridge Teacher
Bridge Teacher

Sarah Amos

Sarah has been teaching bridge to beginners, improvers and more experienced players for over 25 years (she was very young when she started). She says:

"I have had so much enjoyment from the game over the years, that I am always really pleased if I can pass on my enthusiasm.  

Wednesday afternoons will be structured with a short teaching session followed by themed hands designed to improve all aspects of your game".


Bridge Teacher


Jon Owen Jones

Jon is a relatively recent convert to our great game. 

Jon says "I learned to play bridge when I retired hoping that it would be mentally stimulating and socially enjoyable. Eight years later I can confirm that the game has more than met my expectations and I am happy to pass on the perhaps rudimentary skills I have acquired."