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Pages viewed in 2025

The CBC AGM took place on the 21st January 2025.

   Click to access the relevant documents: 2025 AGM Agenda / 2025 AGM Finance Report  / 2025 AGM last Year's AGM Minutes / 2025 CBC AGM Secretary and Acting Chaimans Report.pdf


The Penylan Club AGM will be held in the Club on Tuesday the 25th February 2025 at the slightly earlier time of 6.15pm.

Click HERE to see the official AGM notice and nominations for the committee.

Any Motions or further nominations duly proposed and seconded must be notified to Martin Joseph by Thursday the 13th February, following which an Agenda and any relevant documents will be sent out.

Last year's supporting documents can be viewed by clicking on 'Membership' in the menu above and then on the 'Penylan' tab


Club Special Events Calendar
EWBA Restricted Pairs
EWBA - Restricted Pairs on RealBridge
Monday 25/01/2021 7pm



EWBA Restricted Pairs
Sadie Valdemar Trophy
CBC Sadie Valdemar Trophy (Teams of 4)
on RealBridge
Thursday 04/02/2021
 7:15pm - 10:30pm
 Pairs will be divided into two pools and then matched to create teams of roughly equal strength. 
Please note this competition is only open to MEMBERS of the club and non-members should not turn up on this particular evening.
Table money is £1 higher than normal i.e. £4.00.
Cardiff Bridge Club Pairs Championship
Pairs Championship
on RealBridge
Wednesday 10/03/2021 and 17/03/2021
 7:15pm - 10:30pm
Table money is £1 higher than normal i.e. £4.00.
This is a 2 session event, so please ensure you are available for both dates.
Please note this competition is only open to MEMBERS of the club and non-members should not turn up on this particular evening.
CBC Club Teams Championship
CBC Teams Championship
on RealBridge
Wednesday 14/04/2021 and 21/04/2021
 7:15pm - 10:30pm
 Table money is £1 higher than normal i.e. £4.00.
This is a 2 session event, so please ensure you are available for both dates.
Please note this competition is only open to MEMBERS of the club and non-members should not turn up on this particular evening.
Italo Basiletti Memorial Competitions


Italo Basiletti Memorial Competitions

on RealBridge

Tuesday 05/05/2021

Men's Pairs & Ladies Pairs

Both competitions will run on the same evening. 

Table money is £1 higher than normal i.e. £4.00.

Please note this competition is only open to MEMBERS of the club and non-members should not turn up on this particular evening.

Please note that the two competitions will run in parallel and we will be unable to entertain mixed pairs that evening.