Cambs & Hunts Contract Bridge Association
Promoting Bridge in Cambridgeshire
Release 2.19r
Arthur Rank Hospice Charity Duplicate

Sorry event cancelled due to lack of support.

Charity Duplicate Pairs

The event is to be held on RealBridge at 1.30 pm on 28th January 2024.

The event will be sponsored by the Cambs and Hunts Contract Bridge Association so all the entry fees will go directly to the the Arthur Rank Hospice. as it a charity we are recommending an entry fee of £5.00 per person but you can pay whatever you feel appropriate to play in the event. 

To enter please complete the online entry from below and send your entry fee to: - 

Online payments preferred to:
Cambs & Hunts Contract Bridge Association (in full, CBA insufficient for some banks)
Account number: 25459408
Sort code: 09-01-51
Please use ref: “Surname & Charity”
and email your names and EBU numbers to
or send cheque(s) with your name(s), EBU number(s) and a contact email for acknowledgement to:
Peter Last, 35 Eversden Road, Harlton, CB23 1ET

Alternatively click here for a paper entry form