Cambs & Hunts Contract Bridge Association
Promoting Bridge in Cambridgeshire
Release 2.19r
Individual System
Individual System

Cambs & Hunts County Individual Final Permitted System

Basic System: Acol, 12-14NT, 4-card majors, 3 weak 2’s

NT ranges

1NT opening: - 12-14

2NT opening: - 20-22

1NT overall: - 15-17 (direct), 12-14 (protective)

2-level openings

2C: Strong
2D, 2H, 2S: Weak (5-10, 6-card suit). 2NT response = Ogust*

Responses to NT To 1NT, 1NT overcall and 2NT: Stayman & transfers to H, S and C


X of Pre-empt bid: - For take-out; over weak 2, 2NT is 15-17 For takeout

X of Suit bid: - For take-out – negative doubles to 2S
X of Notrump bid: - For penalties, suit bids are natural

Jump overcalls Weak

Slams Blackwood
Gerber: Only over 1N and 2N without interference


Signals Count: Normal (high = even)  Attitude: Normal (high = encourage)

Discards Suit preference: Normal (high in suit = encourage, low = discourage)
Other conventions 4th suit forcing
Anything else: Natural


*Responses to Ogust 2NT relay bid: -

3C = minimal hand / poor suit

3D = minimal hand / good suit

3H = maximal hand / poor suit

3S = maximal hand / good suit
3NT = solid suit (AKQ of long suit)