Cambridge Bridge Club
Release 2.19s
Club Constitution

Constitution of Cambridge Bridge Club – Modified 22 April 2009

(1) The Club shall be called "Cambridge Bridge Club".

(2) The affairs of the club shall be managed by an Executive Committee.

(a) This Committee shall consist of a Chairman (who shall be the Vice-Chairman of the preceding year), and nine club members elected at the Annual General Meeting to the following offices:-
(b) Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Chief Tournament Director, Captain, two Committee Members primarily responsible for the administration of the Tuesday venue and two Committee members primarily responsible for the administration of the Wednesday venue.
(c) The Committee Chairman shall act as Chairman at any General Meeting of the Club.(d) If, for any reason, the Vice-Chairman of the previous year is unable to act as Chairman, the latter position will be filled by election at the A.G.M.
(e) The Committee shall have power to co-opt additional members for special functions or purposes.
(f) No member shall serve on the Committee for more than three consecutive years (unless he/she be elected as Vice-Chairman for their third year of office - in which case they would serve an additional year as Chairman). Retiring members shall only be eligible for re-election after a break of at least of one year.
(g) The financial affairs of the club shall be examined by an Honorary Auditor who shall be elected annually at the A.G.M.

(h) The Club Year shall run from 1st April to 31st March. The Annual General Meeting shall be held by 15th May for the presentation of audited accounts for the previous financial year, the reception of the Secretary's report, the election of the Executive Committee, and for any other business.

(3) General Meetings

(a) An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called within one month of the receipt by the Secretary of a request signed by a minimum of twelve members, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required. Notice of such a meeting shall be displayed on the Club notice board at two Club meetings prior to the given date.

(b) Twelve members shall form a quorum for any General Meeting. 

(4) Election to Club membership shall be made by the Committee, who shall endeavour to maintain:-

(a) A standard of play consistent with (or better than) the existing standard.

(b) Numbers consistent with the comfortable use of facilities and accommodation available. 

(5) Conduct

(a) In the event of a complaint being made to the Committee about the conduct of a member of the Club the Committee may (and if a written complaint is received signed by at least three members of the Club, it shall) appoint one or more independent persons (collectively “the Tribunal”) who may be members of the Club to investigate the complaint. The chair of the Tribunal shall be nominated by the Committee and shall determine its procedure.
(b) On investigating such a complaint the Tribunal shall give the member about whose conduct the complaint has been made an opportunity to be heard and put forward evidence in their defence (this includes calling witnesses if appropriate). If a live Hearing takes place the member may be accompanied by a friend or representative who need not be a member of the club. Additionally, the member has the right to have questions put to the complainant and supporting witnesses (if any) by the Tribunal.
(c) If on investigating such a complaint the Tribunal is of the opinion that the member has behaved in an unacceptable manner or in such a manner as to cause injury to the interests of the Club, then the Tribunal may reprimand the member, suspend the member from the privileges of membership for such period as it may think fit, or expel the member from the Club.
(d) The Tribunal shall forthwith notify the member and the Committee of its decision following the investigation of the complaint about his conduct and of its findings. The Committee may if it thinks fit and after the end of the period for an appeal set out in paragraph
(e) publicise the decision (and if it sees fit the findings) by displaying a notice on the Club notice boards, failing which they shall be confidential unless the member chooses to publicise them. The proceedings of the Tribunal not recorded in the findings shall in any event be confidential.
(f) An appeal shall lie to the Committee against any decision by the Tribunal to reprimand, suspend or expel a member of the Club following the investigation of a complaint about his conduct. Any member of the Committee with an interest in the proceedings or who was a member of the Tribunal shall not participate. The Committee may co-opt additional members for the purposes of the appeal. The Chairman may at his sole discretion chair the appeal proceedings himself or appoint another committee member or co-opted member to fill this role for the appeal. The appeal chair shall determine the procedure for the appeal and the Committee shall rehear the full complaint if he sees fit. Paragraphs (b) and (d) above shall apply mutatis mutandis.
(g) Notice of such an appeal must be in writing, and delivered to the Secretary within two weeks of the notification to the member of the decision of the Tribunal.
(h) In the event of an appeal being made against it, the decision of the Tribunal shall not be put into effect or publicised until the appeal has been determined.
(i) On the appeal being heard by the Committee, it shall have power to overrule the conclusion of the Tribunal or to uphold it; and any sanction imposed by the Tribunal may be confirmed or varied to any sanction which the Tribunal was empowered to impose, or to none.

(j) Nothing in this Constitution shall preclude the Committee from referring a matter of conduct to the Conduct Committee of the Cambs. & Hunts. County Contract Bridge Association, or to the Laws & Ethics Committee of the English Bridge Union, if it considers it appropriate to do so.

(6) The number of meetings in the forthcoming year shall be decided by the Committee. The Committee shall be empowered to cancel or alter the day of play or venue if deemed desirable or necessary.
7) Subscriptions:- 

(a) The subscription and table money for the forthcoming year shall be determined at each A.G.M.

(b) Subscriptions will be due on 1st April each year. The membership of those who, after due reminder, fail to pay this subscription by 1st June following, shall be deemed to have lapsed.
(c) Subscriptions for new members elected after 1st April shall be determined at the time of their election.
(d) At the discretion of the Committee, Temporary Membership may be granted to players whose attendance is known in advance to be of less than six months duration. The subscription charged shall be decided by the Committee at the time of their election.

(e) The Committee shall adjust table money to meet any draw on funds not anticipated at the previous Annual General Meeting.

(8) The Committee shall be empowered to permit visitors to play under such rules as the Committee may from time to time determine.

(9) The Committee shall keep a record of all operational rules and duties of all Committee members, for the information of members and future Committee members.

(10) Any one of the above articles of the Constitution may be temporarily suspended by a simple majority at a properly convened General Meeting. The purpose of such a suspension must be to progress the business of the Meeting. The Chairman shall rule any other purpose out of order.

(11) This Constitution may be altered or amended at any properly convened General Meeting, provided that notice of any proposals of such alterations or amendments be published on the Club notice board on at least two Club meetings prior to the General Meeting. Any such alteration can only be carried by a majority of two thirds of the votes.