BBO Duplicate
F2F CCC - Gentle Duplicate
F2F CCC - Greta Clark Cup – Pairs
F2F CCC - Gentle Duplicate
F2F CCC - Monday Club Championship 9/10
Mon 7th October 2024
Director: Val Foster
Scorer: Vivek Radhakrishnan
Host: Wanted
Key Holder: Sylvia Skiba
Sum-Up: Sylvia Skiba
Tue 8th October 2024
F2F CCC - Gentle Duplicate
Director: John Gatrell
Scorer: John Kilner
Host: Vic Davies
Key Holder: John Gatrell
Sum-Up: Sylvia Skiba
Thu 10th October 2024
BBO Duplicate
Director: John Gatrell
Scorer: Ian Lewis
Fri 11th October 2024
Director: John Gatrell
Scorer: Sylvia Skiba
Host: Wanted
Key Holder: John Gatrell
Sum-Up: Sylvia Skiba
Release 2.19r
0 0 0 0 0 0
All time hits
              Contents                                                                                             Appendices~~

1.            The Club and Affiliations                                                               1.             Membership Application Proforma.~


2.            Objectives                                                                                          2.             Terms of Reference: Club Officers.               ~


3.            Organization & Management                                                        3.             Safety Assessment Guidelines.        ~


4.            Committee Election Policy                                                             ~


5.            Membership Policy                                                                          ~


6.            Meeting Policy                                                                                  Annexure              ~


7.            Financial and Audit Policy                                                             A              Club Rules            ~


8.            Property Policy                                                                                 ~


9.            Competition and Trophy Policy                                                    ~


10.          Insurance Policy                                                                               ~


11.          Safety Policy                                                                                     ~


12.          Data Protection Policy~


13.          Smoking Policy~


14.          Club Rules~


15.          Amendments~








1. The Club and Affiliations.~


The name of the Club shall be 'The Camberley Bridge Club' hereinafter referred to as 'The Club'.  The Club shall be affiliated to the English Bridge Union (EBU) via the Surrey County Bridge Association.  The Club will operate the EBU Master Point System.~




2. Objectives.~


The Club shall afford members the opportunity to play recreational and competitive bridge in congenial surroundings.  It should also actively encourage the development of members playing skills.~




3. Organization and Management.~




3.1 Committee.   The Club Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, and a maximum of eight other members of the Club.  The Chairman may, in consultation with the committee, assign responsibilities including those for the Membership Secretary, League Secretary, House Member, Master Points Secretary & Webmaster.~


In the absence of the Chairman the Secretary will normally act as Deputy Chairman.  A quorum for the purposes of a Committee decision shall comprise three members of whom one must hold an executive appointment.~




3.2 President.   If the Committee considers it to be in the best interests of the Club it may invite a member of the Club to stand for election to the office of President   Once elected at an AGM or EGM the President's term of office shall normally be limited to 5 years.  The President shall not be required to pay the Club Membership subscription and may not vote at Club meetings.~




4. Committee Election Policy.~




4.1 Committee members shall be elected at the Club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and shall serve in their elected office until the next AGM.  If a committee member resigns at any time replacement members may be co-opted on to the Committee by Committee decision.~




4.2 Candidates for election to the Committee shall be proposed and seconded in writing and their consent obtained.  Unsuccessful candidates for an executive appointment may, at their discretion, be included in the ballot for membership of the committee.  A nomination list of candidates for office must be displayed on the Club Notice Board for at least 14 days before the General Meeting~




5.  Membership Policy.~




5.1 New members.  The committee reserves the right to accept/deny the membership of any new applicant.  Where the application is not proposed and supported by Club members, final membership approval will be subject to a probationary period until the applicant has played at least twice.  Acceptance or rejection shall be by Committee decision.  In the case of rejection no appeal shall be possible and the membership subscription shall be refunded in full.  New members joining on or after July 1st will be required to pay a half subscription only.~






Article 5  (Membership Policy) continued~


5.2 Lapsed Membership.  Existing members in good standing are required to pay the annual subscription within 28 days of the due date.  After this time it will be considered that membership has lapsed and visitor charges shall apply.~


5.3 Membership List.  The Committee may temporarily close the Membership List.~


5.4 Warnings and Expulsion.  Where the conduct or continuing playing standard of a member adversely affects the enjoyment of other Club members or the standing of the Club there shall be two possible remedies:~


                a)  The offending member shall be warned by letter as to future conduct.  A further instance within one year may result in the automatic expulsion of the member.~


                b)  If the Committee considers the misconduct to have been sufficiently serious it can decide to expel the member without warning.~


In all cases of expulsion an appeal shall be possible and the appellant may write an open letter to the Club membership.  The Committee shall write an open response and Members will then be canvassed for their decision.  If a simple majority is reached it will be unnecessary to canvas those remaining members who have not voted.  In the event of an expulsion being overturned by the members it will be substituted by a written warning.  When a member is expelled the unused portion of their membership subscription shall be returned to the member.~


5.5 Resignation.  If a member gives formal notice of resignation within one month of the AGM or joining the Club the pro rata amount of their subscription shall be refunded.~


5.6 Guests.  Members may introduce guests to the club and shall be responsible for ensuring that guests have playing partners for the session and are aware of the rules and etiquette of play.  Members wishing to invite more than 2 guests to a session should obtain the prior agreement of a Committee member.~




6. Meeting Policy.~




6.1 Annual General Meeting (AGM).  The AGM will normally be held in November.  Notice of the meeting will be posted in the Club's premises at least 14 days before the meeting and also included in the Club's event calendar.~


6.1a Financial Year  This will run from 1 October to 30 September.  Subs will therefore become due on 1 October subject to membership fees remaining the same.  If a change is to be proposed, the collection of subs will be delayed until after the AGM.~


6.2 Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)  The Committee may call an EGM if required.~


An EGM will also be held where a minimum of 10 members are co-signatories to a requisition requiring the Club to call an EGM. The EGM must be held within 28 days of the requisition being presented to the Club Secretary. ~


6.3 Committee Meetings.  The Committee shall meet at least 4 times between successive AGMs at the discretion of the Chairman and/or the Committee members.~


6.4 Minutes of Meetings.  The approved minutes of all Club Committee meetings shall be displayed on the Club's notice board.~




7. Financial and Audit Policy~





7.1 Club Financial Year(FY)  The Club FY shall commence on October 1st.  Subs will therefore become due on 1 October subject to membership fees remaining the same.  If a change is to be proposed, the collection of subs will be delayed until after the AGM~


7.2 Subscriptions and Table money Charges.  These shall be periodically reviewed by the Committee with regard to the financial position of the Club.  Changes will normally be announced at the AGM.~


7.3 Bank Accounts.  The Club shall establish and maintain a Current Account and, if appropriate,  a Deposit Account. ~


The Club should aim to establish realizable assets that would cover the cost of accommodation charges for one year and the replacement of property necessary for play.~


7.4 Grants and Donations.  The Committee may authorize grants and donations providing that the total amount in the Clubs FY does not exceed ten percent of the annual table money income.~


7.5 Accounting and Audits.  The Treasurer shall maintain an account of the financial transactions of the Club in a form that can be readily audited.  The account will be audited annually and a report, signed by the Auditor and the Treasurer, provided for the consideration of members at the AGM.  The Club's Auditor, who may be a member of the Club, shall be proposed and approved at the AGM.~




8. Property Policy.~




A record of non expendable items purchased on behalf of, or presented to the Club, shall be maintained by the Committee.~




9. Competition and Trophy Policy~




9.1 Competitions. All competitions played on Club premises shall be subject to the approval of the Committee.~


9.2 Charity Events.  Charity events will take place at the discretion of the Committee.~


9.3 Club Representatives.  Where members represent the Club in approved competitions the entry fees for such competitions will be paid by the Club.  No other associated expenses will normally be admissible.~


9.4 Trophies.  Trophies may only be introduced into the Club with the approval of the Committee who will also decide the competition that will be associated with the trophy.  The Committee may also reallocate trophies to competitions as required.  The Committee shall maintain a list of trophies and a record of winners which should be displayed on the Club's premises.~


Trophies cannot be won outright and may be held by the winner/s for a period of one year only.  Only paid up members at the commencement of the event may win trophy competitions.~




10.  Insurance Policy~





The Club will establish and maintain an Insurance Policy or Policies to cover, as a minimum, the following risks~


                a)  All Risks public liability.~


                b)  Fidelity.~


                c)  Loss or damage to Club property~


                d)  Loss or personal injury to members~




11.  Safety Policy~




11.1  Safety Assessment.  The Club premises shall be assessed annually, using the guidelines at Appendix 3, to establish:~


               a)  The condition and availability of safety equipment.~


               b)  The adequacy of evacuation procedures.~


               c)  Safety hazards and their mitigation.~


               d)  The adequacy of safety notices and procedures.~




11.2 First Aid Equipment~




A First Aid Box will be kept on the Club's premises and a notice showing its location displayed.~




12.  Data Protection Policy~




The Club will require Members to provide only Name, Address and Contact information and EBU number and will not disclose any personal information to third parties unconnected with the Club.  The Club may disclose membership information to the EBU and to the Surrey County Bridge Association in connection with membership, competitions and Master Points.    The Membership/Renewal application form will contain a clause that will allow members to be omitted from the published Membership List if so desired.~




13. Smoking Policy~




There shall be no smoking anywhere indoors.~




14. Club Rules~




The Committee shall produce a set of Rules to define the social and playing activities of the Club.  These shall be periodically reviewed and amended by the Committee as necessary.~




15. Amendments~




These Articles may only be amended following the approval of a properly submitted proposal at an AGM or EGM.  Appendices may however, at the discretion of the Committee, be amended and reissued from time to time.  ~




                                                        Camberley Bridge Club~


                       Membership Application/Renewal Form~


Name (1)                                                                                             ~


Name (2)                                                                      Email Address...........................................~


Address                                                                       EBU Membership No……………………~




Post Code                                                           ~


Telephone Number                                             ~


Exclude details from membership list?(Yes/No)                        Willing to act as Director?(Yes/No)~


For new members only: Proposer:                             Seconder:                               (existing members)~


I hereby agree to abide by the Articles and Rules of the Camberley Bridge Club~


Signature........................................                                                            Amount Paid....................~




Name/s:....................……………………….                                                Date............................~




Received the sum of £............. on behalf of the Camberley Bridge Club ...................................................~






















                                                       Club Officers - Terms of Reference~


2.1         Chairman~


2.1.1      Ensures that the Club is managed in accordance with the Club Articles and Rules.~


2.1.2      Chairs  Club Committee meetings.~


2.1.3      Authorizes the payment of charges properly incurred on behalf of the Club.~


2.1.4      Authorizes Club contracts with other organizations.~


2.1.5      Manages the Director and Key holder Lists and Rotas.~


2.1.6      Authorizes entries and information to be included on the Club Web Site~




2.2         Secretary & Vice Chairman~


2.2.1      Prepares the Agenda  and produces minutes for all Club meetings.~


2.2.2      Prepares and maintains records of all external correspondence.~


2.2.3      Maintains the Clubs document and data archives.~


2.2.4      Distributes incoming correspondence to the appropriate Club Officer.~


2.2.5      Prepares and distributes the Club Planner.~


2.2.6      Assumes the Chairman’s responsibilities in his/her absence~





2.3         Treasurer~


2.3.1      Maintains the Club account and supporting documentation.~


2.3.2      Prepares the Club Account for audit prior to the AGM and assists the auditor when required~


2.3.3      Arranges timely payment of authorized expenditure.~


2.3.4      Accepts and accounts for Annual Membership subscriptions.~


2.3.5      Arranges for the collection and accounting of session table monies.~


2.3.6      Provides the Committee with account summaries for Committee meetings~


2.3.7      Provides the Membership Secretary with membership information.~




2.4         Membership Secretary~


2.4.1      Preparation, issue and maintenance of the Club Membership List.~


2.4.2      Preparation of the Club Contact List.~


2.4.3      Preparation and maintenance of the Club Directors List.~


2.4.4      Collection of annual and joining membership fees.~


2.4.5      Maintenance and management of the Clubs ‘New Member’ acceptance procedures.~


2.4.6      Maintenance and management of the Clubs ‘New Member’ induction procedures.~


2.4.7      Advising the Committee on membership trends.~


2.4.8.     Advising the Committee on Club discipline aspects.~




2.5          House Member.~


2.5.1       Provides and maintains Club beverage supplies.~


2.5.2       Ensures kitchen facilities are available at Club sessions.~


2.5.3       Maintains the Club Property Register.~


2.5.4       Manages the annual Safety Assessment.~


2.5.5       Checks and replenishes the Club First Aid Box.~



                                                            Safety Assessment Guidelines~


The assessment is conducted against a series of questions for which the answers are annotated Y/N [Yes/No], NA [Not Applicable] or R [Review].  At the bottom of the page there is an area reserved for comment.  If the answer to a particular question is 'R' enter the question reference number followed by a detailed comment describing the safety shortfall.  Use a continuation sheet if necessary.~




Assessment Criteria~




1. External Areas~


1a. Cars.  Are cars able to enter, manoeuvre and park safely?[   ].~


1b Pedestrians. Are there changes of level or obstructions that could present a hazard for those with sight limitations?[   ]. Are paved areas subject to icing?[   ].~


1c. Lighting. Is the exit and cark park adequately lit after dark?[   ].~




2. Building Entrance and Ground Floor.~


2a. Entrance. Is the entrance area adequately lit and free from obstruction?[   ]. ~


2b. Stairs. Are the stars provided with handrails?[   ]. Are they wide enough to permit a speedy evacuation of the building?[   ].  Are the risers clearly visible to the poorly sighted.?[   ].~


2c.Lift. Is the lift regularly inspected and serviced?[   ].  Is it suitable for wheelchairs?[   ].  Are the procedures for releasing passengers trapped in the lift readily available?[   ].~




3. Playing & Public Rooms ~


3a. Playing Room. Are the entrance and exit/s unobstructed?[   ].  Is the lighting intensity and coverage adequate?[   ].  Are the chairs sufficiently robust for all users?(   ).  Are the Tables stable and easy to carry & erect?[   ].  Are the emergency exits clearly marked and easy to open?[   ].~


3b. Kitchen.  Are suitable instructions for the safe use of kitchen facilities provided?[   ].  Are Gas appliances fitted with automatic ignition and flame failure devices?[   ]. Are first aid facilities for the treatment of cuts, burns and scalds readily available?[   ].  Are the appliances correctly installed and regularly tested and inspected?[   ].~


3c. Cloakrooms and Toilets. Are disabled facilities to BS5810 provided?[   ].  Are all entrances and access ways unobstructed?[   ].  Are the provided hygiene facilities adequate?[   ].~




4. Supplies and Services~


4a. Electricity.  Are socket outlets and permanently wired appliances RCD protected?[   ].  Is the location of isolation switches known?[   ].~


4b. Gas.  Are gas detectors fitted where gas appliances are used?[   ].  Is the location of the Gas shut off valve clearly shown?[   ].~


4c. Water. Is the location of the mains water stopcock known?[   ].~




5. Miscellaneous~


5a. Fire. Are adequate fire extinguishers provided?[   ]. Are they regularly inspected?[   ].   Are smoke alarms fitted?[   ].  Are the procedures for evacuating the building displayed?[   ].~


5b. Emergency Calls.  Is there a telephone readily available?[   ].~


5c. First Aid Equipment.  Is it regularly checked for completeness, range and availability?[   ].~




Ref No~


































.......................................ASSESSOR....................Date  .................................CHAIRMAN.....................Date~
