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Nov 2103 memo re better Behaviour
Better Behaviour

Better Behaviour at Bridge: Monthly Memo (2)


No Home-made Rulings in November

If playing in an SBU event with a non-playing Director please follow Law 9B(a)

                  “The director should be summoned at once when attention is drawn to an irregularity”

No matter how well you think you know the Laws, they are generally more complex than you might think – a ruling that applies in one situation need not also apply to a similar but slightly different one.

Home-made rulings may be half-baked!

Insisting that you know the Laws and enforcing them without consulting the Law Book or a Director may be construed as Bullying, particularly against inexperienced opponents.

In the Club, with a playing Director who may not yet have played the board, it is less straightforward.

You probably need a number of members capable of giving a ruling, any one of whom can act as the Director’s deputy.

Be sure always to consult the Laws – everybody has a responsibility to familiarise themselves with them and to follow them.



Better   Behaviour   At   Bridge




Our  President.  Mike  Ash,  has  completed  his  series  of  visits  to  all  Districts.

He  has  listened  to  what  you  have  to  say,  and  feels  that  the  Scottish  Bridge  Union  should  take  some

action  to  make  our  events  more  enjoyable  for  our  members.

One  thing  we  shall  do  is  launch  a  campaign  for  Better  Behaviour  at  Bridge.

With  our  limited  resources  we  cannot  fully  implement  the  Zero  Tolerance  standards  imposed  by

larger  organisations  like  the  ACBL.  We  must  rely  on  the  support  of  our  members  and  clubs  to  raise

the  standards  of  acceptable  behaviour.


With  this  letter  you  will  receive  a  copy  of  the  Better  Behaviour  Poster,  which  lists  some  do’s  and

don’ts;  also  a  Power  Point  poster  with  this  month’s  theme,  which  is  ‘Be  Nice!’


One  perceived  reason  for  falling  numbers  in  our  clubs  and  events  is  that  newcomers  are  intimidated:

perhaps  by  unfamiliarity  with  the  demands  of  a  tournament  -  or  could  it  be  by  the  behaviour  of

more  experienced  players?  We  should  all  be  familiar  with  Law  74:  Conduct  and  Etiquette.  Let  us

each  examine  our  conscience  and  ask:  could  we  do  more  to  help  others  enjoy  our  game?


We  plan  to  concentrate  on  one  aspect  of  bad  or  irritating  behaviour  each  month,  and  hope  that  you

will  all  join  us  in  our  attempt  to  Do  Better.


Remember  -  it  is  often  not  the  words  used  that  offend  but  the  manner  in  which  they  are  spoken.





Liz  McGowan

Chairman,  Laws  and  Ethics  Committee



 BULLYING:  includes  all  forms  of  intimidation,  such  as

loud  and  aggressive  behaviour,

summoning  the  TD  in  an  unpleasant  manner,

hectoring  less  experienced  players,

imposing  rulings  without  consulting  the  TD  or  the  Laws

BE  KIND:  to  opponents,  partner,  the  TD….  everybody

 RUDENESS:  ignoring  opponents;

arguing  with  them,  the  TD  or  partner;

using  insulting  or  offensive  language

REPORT  unacceptable  behaviour  at  the  time,  not  later  

we  must  take  a  firm  stand  to  stamp  it  out

 IMPATIENCE:  indicating  annoyance  when  an  opponent

(or  partner)  takes  time  for  thought;

demanding  attention  from  the  TD  when  he  is  otherwise


INTRODUCE  yourself  to  others,

and  new  players  to  your  club  and  our  events

 DILLY-DALLYING:  arriving  late  at  the  table;

time-wasting  between  and  during  deals

DO  YOUR  BIT  to  assist  in  the  smooth  running  of  events

 GRATUITOUS  REMARKS:  commentary  on  partner’s

shortcomings,  opponents’  ignorance,  TD  decisions,

unfair  point  distribution…..

GIVE  something  back  to  the  game  we  all  love

 EMOTIONAL  OUTBURSTS:  nobody  enjoys  these!

Bite  your  tongue  and  count  to  ten

ENJOY  your  bridge    and  others  will  enjoy  playing  with

and  against  you