Release 2.19r
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Trial >> Live Subscription
Going Live - Annual Subscription

You get 3 months free trial with Bridgewebs to allow the committee to evaluate Bridgewebs, transfer any information from any existing web site and make a decision regarding making it permanent. We realise Bridge Club committees are volunteers and do not meet very often.

During the trial period, you can check out that the various people involved are familiar with uploading results and administering the web site. You can also decide on who the primary contact is.

Please Note. "Going Live" is simply a status change. All the information entered into the "Trial Site" will be preserved and continue as the "Live Site"

In order to achieve a fixed price and minimize administration costs, the price of the service has been set to relate to site usage. This is a combination of the number of results files uploaded, the email usage and number of pages but can be quite variable. .The number and size of regularly uploaded scored sessions that the club plays is the closest indication of the number of members that may use the site, the complexity, the size and page usage on the web site. Simply total the average number of tables you expect to upload each week. e.g. if you have 3 games per week of an average 10 tables, that is 30 tables per week, you can find the cost for this on the "Prices" page and will be £60 per year. We will be able to judge the likely usage at the end of the trial and indicate which "Price Band" the site is in. The service is provided on an annual subscription basis:

Once you have decided to use Bridgewebs on a permanent basis, then you need to inform Bridgewebs of the expected usage and agree the Price Band..



If you are nearing completion of your trial, please complete the details below:



Once you have submitted your request to "Go Live" and Bridgewebs had time to respond, you will get an Invoice in WebAdmin - Settings - Subscription giving the cost and details of how to pay. Prior to this the Invoice in Bridgewebs is just a reminder and will be blank.

In the UK (Sterling Bank zone), you can pay by cheque, electronic Transfer,  PayPal Service or Google Wallet using the details on the Invoice. Outside the UK payment can only be made electronically using the PayPal Service or Google Wallet.

With PayPal, you do not need a PayPal account, but this allows you to use a Credit/Debit Card. For various banking reasons invoices are in Sterling and when you enter your Card details the amount will be converted to Local currency.

While Bridgewebs would prefer the club to agree to an Annual Subscription before the end of the Trial, if you forget, the Trial web site will continue with the full features beyond the expiry. So, if your trial comes to an end on 31st Dec, you can pay in January.