Release 2.19r
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Services Provided for BridgeWebs Web Sites

The specific services are as follows:

  • Web Site Software - The first version of Bridgewebs was developed in 2003 and has progressed since. Bridgewebs is committed to maintaining and upgrading this into the foreseeable future. New Releases with additional features and enhancements are made available on a regular basis, approximately every 6 months.
  • App - An "App" is available for both Apple and Android (currently only supported on certain devices).
  • Guide/Help Manual - A guide/help manual is available at and is updated regularly based on interpretation of support issues raised or feedback from clubs.
  • Forum - A forum is available 24/7 at that can be used to search for information or ask other members of the Bridgewebs community without the need to refer to Bridgewebs themselves.
  • Software Support - All reasonable effort will be made to answer email queries regarding how to use the site within 48 hours of receipt during the normal working day/week. Usually, emails regarding software issues are resolved within 24 hours during the normal working day/week.
  • Backup - Backups of each club's site is taken to an alternative computer, daily, weekly and monthly. Backups of each club's site is taken  weekly and monthly to the same site and aavailable to clubs. An additional daily backup is sent to an alternative backup site that is permanently available but dormant ready in case of an extreme failure at the hosting site.
  • Hosting - The site is monitored on a regular basis to ensure that there is sufficient capacity to handle all the clubs using the site. Arrangements will be made to expand the hosting capacity as more clubs use it, as necessary.
  • Email - Bridgewebs provides facilities for contact and bulk emails to be sent direct from Bridgewebs. These are all processed by a third party. With over 2 million being sent per year and quite oftern over 10000 per day, we cannot monitor every single one, but features exist for clubs to monitor their sent emails themselves..
  • Provision of Service - The site is hosted by a commercial Web Site Hosting Service and it is necessary to abide by their terms and conditions, click Terms & Conditions. They provide 24/7 service, but support out of normal office hours is limited to emergency calls where the Hosting Service has failed completely for a period of time.

Please Note. People use the web site 365 days of the year, 24 hours of the day all around the Globe. However, it is necessary to maintain the web hosting and software from time to time and unexpected overloads can occur which result in a lack of service. This may result in users seeing the "Cannot Display the Web Page" message. Please be patient and try again in a short while.

In all normal circumstances, Bridgewebs users can completely monitor and update their web site without reference or manual intervention from Bridgewebs.