Release 2.19r
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Bridgewebs 3
What does Bridgewebs 3 give you?
The web has moved on considerably in the last few years and "Bridgewebs 3" is a redevelopment of Bridgewebs to take advantage of some of the features now available in web design. In particular the introduction of HTML 5 which is now available on most browsers including IE 9. 

Using "Bridgewebs 3" will look more or less the same and function with the same features. Much of the development has been in the Web Administration and hopefully make it easier to use, more flexible and with new features.

This page is just a summary of the "Key" features for evaluation, further details will be found in the updated Guide when Bridgewebs 3 is officially released for general club use.
Mobiles and Tablets
With more and more access from Mobiles and Tablets, new larger Icons have been introduced to make it easier to see and click where used.

There is an option to set a "Mobile" mode to turn on/off features only available on PC's/Smartphones.

The Sub Menus are provided as Popup menus to avoid having to refresh the screen to get to the next level.    
News Page Item Entry and Amendments
The bulk of changes will be found in the "Web Administration" - "News Page" - "View Item" entry and amendment option. This has been completely redesigned to incorporate all the options in one one screen and provide for extra features indicated below, but hiding them until used.

The "View Page" has also been enhanced to show you what it will look like without the need to return to the club web site.
Where & When, Find Us Pages
The "Where & When" and "Find Us" pages have now been incorporated into the standard news pages using additional News Pages options.

This means that you can have more than one of these on each club site. You can also change the sequence and remove or add the "Where & When" items as you like........
People Pages
...... the People pages have likewise been incorporated into the News pages and you can mix and match News Items and People Sections.
Home Page Left Box/Right Box Extended
The option to add a Left Box or Right Box to the Home Page has been extended to all News Pages. In addition, you can also add a Top Box and Bottom Box giving you more flexibility in design. This provides more than a 2 column approach to pages that several have requested.

In addition, the Home Page Calendar/Results section is now also available as a News Item option, so can be moved around as necessary.
Picture Selection Popup and extra Icons
Wherever a picture can be used, there is now a button to a popup window with an enhanced style for selection.

There are also 20 plus extra 48x48 pixel icons that can be used in a consistent way in News Items.
Theme Popup and extra Features
Wherever a theme can be entered, this is now provided in a standard popup window.

In addition the "Colour Picker" has been extended to allow the full 32 million colour range. The box feature has been extended to provide Oval boxes. 
WYSIWYG Settings - Style
The Settings - Site Style Option is now been as a WYSIWIG (What you see is what you get) option with additional features including options to choose:
  • Large Club Name Text colour
  • Banner and body background image
  • Button background and text colours.
  • Page Header box and text colour
New Bridgewebs Options & Settings Button
The bridgewebs options have been moved from the club Menu to a more consistent Popup menu. Further settings options have been provided.