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Scoring Software

Bridgewebs is best used with compatible scoring software. The Scoring Software below are compatible.

ACBLScore is the official scoring software in use in the United States and some other countries. Results can be uploaded to bridgewebs through the "Upload Results" menu option directly from the ACBLScore Game file.

The Bridge-on-Android scoring sytem uses mobile phone technology to merge the scores from the various tables.

Bridge Scorer is a bridge scoring system that uses modern technology for electronic, wireless scoring of all kinds of bridge tournaments

A free, fully featured, Duplicate Bridge Scoring program compatible with BridgeMate and similar Results Reporting programs. Bridge Gem is simple and intuitive to use and aims to make the job of the Scorer easy. It supports Pairs and Individual events, MP and X-IMP scoring, single and multi-section events. It uploads results to Bridgewebs and the EBU.

BridgePal is a freeware wireless scoring system for bridge sessions based on the use of android smartphones or tablets, rather than dedicated scoring units.

BridgeScore is a scoring system for bridge

Contract Scoring software for clubs in Australia

Free Duplicate Bridge scoring system  fully integrated with both the Bridgemate Pro and Bridgepad wireless scoring systems

If you are using other software that provides the USEBIO XML file developed by the EBU, then this can be used to upload to bridgewebs.

For EBU Affiliated clubs, EBUScore is available from the EBU Members pages

Widely used in Scandinavia and also Spain. Results file in pbn format can be uploaded to bridgewebs through the "Upload Results" menu option.

PairsScorer is one of a suite of scoring software programs provided by Jeff Smith. There are five independent scoring programs:

  • PairsScorer - for scoring normal 'Duplicate Pairs' sessions -the bread and butter of most bridge clubs
  • TeamsScorer - for scoring normal 'Multiple Teams' events
  • SwissPairsScorer
  • SwissTeamsScorer
  • IndividualScorer

PairsScorer etc. are now offered as part of the EBUScore software. Please refer to EBUScore for more information

Scoring software used in Germany and Switzerland

Widely used in the UK and other English speaking countries. With a fully integrated bridgewebs upload.

PhoneScorer is a free Apple IOS based wireless Bridge scoring system that connects to the SnapScorer iPad app via a wi-fi network and is used to capture of scores as boards are played during Duplicate Sessions or Teams Matches.

SnapScorer scores your session so no other scoring software is required and is integrated with BridgeWebs for quick and easy maintenance of player databases and uploading of results. 

SnapScorer has movements for 2 to 16 tables, together with a user friendly environment to create your own movements. Printable files can be generated so you can refresh your movement cards at any time.

The system allows use of existing Apple devices already owned by your club members, reducing any major up front costs, making it an attractive proposition even to small clubs, where the cost of purchasing wireless bridge scoring systems can be prohibitive.

Tournoi is a bridge scoring program which uses android smartphones or tablets over Wifi. It has been available since 1986 and the language is French only.

Results can be immediately uploaded to BridgeWebs through the "Upload Results to BridgeWebs" menu option..

The Valet Score is an improved Butler score score that produces separate scores for bidding, play and defense (including the lead separately).