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Chris Whiteside Walking Group

Chris Whiteside has set up a walking group for members using WhatsApp to arrange outings. If any member is interested in joining the group please contact Chris on 07960 169089

Club Constitution





          The aim of the club is to provide for duplicate bridge in a relaxed and

friendly atmosphere.


  1. Any clause in the constitution may be altered by a two-thirds majority of votes by members of the club at a General Meeting.
  2. The affairs of the club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and up to four other members. A committee meeting requires a quorum of four, one of whom shall be an officer of the club; otherwise the meeting shall be adjourned.
  3. Committee members, when elected, shall serve for one year and may then stand for re- election. The Chairman may also stand for re-election at the end of each year, but may not serve for more than three consecutive years unless approved by a two thirds majority of those attending a General Meeting of the club.
  4. The Committee shall have the authority to co-opt club members to fill any vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.
  5. General meetings may be convened either by the Chairman and Committee or by application of at least 15% of the membership. Two weeks notice must be given. A quorum at General Meetings shall be  20% of the membership.
  6. The club’s year shall be from January 1 to December 31.
  7. The Annual General Meeting shall normally be held on the third Thursday in January to elect the Committee members, receive reports and approve the financial accounts.
  8. Nominations for the Committee together with proposer and seconder should be entered on the list on the club notice board by the first Thursday in January.
  9. The Committee shall maintain a fair procedure for considering applications for membership. Membership may be limited by accommodation constraints at the discretion of the Committee.
  10. The club adheres to the Best Behaviour at Bridge (BB@B) Code.
  11. A complaints procedure shall be maintained by the Committee in accordance with best practice.
  12. The club will not be run for profit, but the objective will be to keep sufficient  reserves to meet the capital and revenue costs of running the club.
  13. In order for the club to be wound up, at least two-thirds of the current membership must be in favour of doing so. Assets remaining after the settlement of outstanding liabilities will be shared amongst current members irrespective of their length of membership.

   The Club's constitution was adopted at the inaugural meeting held on 19th of January 2012. Clause 3 was revised at an extaordinary general meeting on 20th November 2014.



General Rules

Competitions shall be held at such times and under such conditions as the committee determines.

Any suggestions or complaints regarding the arrangements of The Thursday Bridge Club should be submitted in writing and handed to the Secretary or any member of the Committee and will be considered at the next committee meeting.

The Thursday Club accepts no responsibility whatever for the property or belongings of any member or visitor whilst attending the Club.

The Hallmark Hotel has public liability insurance for any injury sustained by any member or visitor on the Hotel's premises whilst attending the club. 

Any matter not provided for in these regulations and all questions arising regarding their construction or implication shall be decided by the Committee.

The Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary and other members of the Committee shall not be responsible, either individually or jointly, for any liabilities incurred by The Thursday Club. All members shall be equally responsible for any liabilities incurred during their time of membership.

Alterations, additions or amendments to these regulations and constitution cannot be made except by a resolution at a general meeting of club members.

