1. Apologies received from: Brian Lumsden, Azhaar Mahmood, Ann Caygill, Peter Rodgerson and Audrey Croft.
2. Minutes of AGM held 28.05.12. were accepted, proposer Ian Eckford, seconded Chris Benneworth. There were no issues arising.
3. Chairman’s Report:
“Now into my second year as Chairman of Brunton Bridge Club, so what, if any differences, since last year’s AGM.
Last year we lost three stalwarts of the Club Kathy, Warren and Moira you are all sadly missed.
Membership is slightly up from 98 to 109. This number of members allows us to put forward three teams of eight to the NEBA Inter-Area. The A team in division A finished a disappointing 3rd, the B team in Division C also finished 3rd BUT the C team ably captained by Brian Pacey exceeded all expectations and won Division D and now will have the pleasure of playing the B team in Division C next year.
My thanks go to all those players who gave up their valuable time to support Brunton Bridge Club. I should also add that the idea of the players providing the food for the home matches was also very successful and saved the clubs coffers considerably.
In other NEBA events, I’m afraid there were no notable successes the teams Captained by Ray and Roberts though did finish 2nd in the League and Kempson Cup.
Last year at the AGM we stated that we would support the EBU simultaneous pairs at a cost of an extra £1 we have had one and the other will be in the autumn.
As to Charity events, as you know we were asked to support David Wing on his marathon cycle ride to visit every Cathedral in England, we did so and a very generous cheque was made out to the Alzheimer’s Society. We also supported Warren’s family sponsored walk, along with our usual successful Captains charity teams where I nominated Blyth Wildlife Trust as the recipients. A total of over £1000 was raised by the members for above charity events.
This year I would like to propose that we continue supporting Charities where we can and the committee would like your approval to make a small charge of £5 per person to our ‘free to members’ very successful Xmas party, all proceeds being given to a homeless charity.
With regard to this year’s accounts, we are again showing a deficit due to the fact we have not raised the table money in keeping to what was agreed by the members until our funds reached a level of £10,000 in the bank. I have to advise we are now approaching this level and the table money will be increased from the start of next year.
I would like thank Liz Muir for her hard work as our treasurer and Ian Eckford for all his efforts as our scorer throughout the year.
It is the aim of the committee throughout the coming year to ensure that Brunton is run in a friendly and efficient manner where beginners and inexperienced players can test the waters of duplicate bridge in a friendly atmosphere and all members enjoy the game.”
The proposal for charging £5.00 for the Christmas Party was put to the members and was accepted unanimously.
4. Treasurer’s Report:
Liz presented the accounts for the year, which showed a deficit of £1833.31 which was clarified in the Chairman’s report. Liz advised that with regard to the sum of £2100 donated by Ian Spoors to promote bridge , that the committee would meet to discuss ways of achieving this target.
No queries were raised by members and the Accounts were approved – proposer David Gold, seconded Isi Mitrani.
5. Election of Officers:
Liz Muir resigned as treasurer and Ann Caygill was elected to take up this position.
All other committee members remain unchanged as no other nominations were
6. Any other business :
As no other matters were raised the meeting closed at 7.15 p.m