Brunton Bridge Club
Wednesday Afternoons

Wednesday Afternoon Sessions

The last afternoon session before Christmas will be on the 18th December
and sessions will restart on the 8th January 2025.

For club players and students. No partner needed.

2.30 pm - 4.45 pm

St Aidan's Community Centre.
Members will pay £2.50 per session, non-members £3.00.

Contact: Guy Herzmark 07967194107 or Peter Avery 07887428042

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Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 5th November 2014.

Present:  Don Reid, Mary Page ,Ian Eckford, Brian Lumsden, Steve Ray, Ann Caygill

Apologies: Elaine Purvis







Minutes dated 4.8.14 approved.   



Matters arising

  • Deane Salver – mp advised catering in hand for this event and Mary to prepare poster with Neil for circulation to the Clubs.
  • Mid week teams – numbers are fairly consistent with 3/4 tables per week.  Will carry on until end April as advertised then review.  Ian to send out all notes prepared by Steve.
  • Inter Club match – committee all agreed refreshments for last inter club went exceptionally well and Don thanked all the members who baked and provided the refreshments and thanked Ann for organizing the food.
  • Swiss Teams 22.9.14. – event had not gone as smoothly as would have wished and improvements noted for next event which will be held on 16th March 2015 on the basis of  5 x 5 board matches.  Teams to be seeded as per Christmas party.








Christmas party

Start time 6.15 pm.

Format:   Teams (seeded) - 12 Rounds – 2 boards a round.

Cost: £5.00 to include a meal.  Ann to prepare tickets, Mary to arrange catering.  Ticket sales to be donated to the “Soup Kitchen” to provide a meal for the homeless on Christmas day.

Ann to arrange raffle prizes and Steve to organize the wine/bridge prizes (1st-3rd place).










Problems between the EBU and Scorebridge have now been resolved.

As Ian advised the committee he is intending to move to Scotland, Ann agreed to take over his duties as main scorer.  Ian to amend on Licence when applicable.    Ann to make enquiries with the members if anyone would be willing to help with the scoring.






Any other business

  • Amendment to item 7 of Minutes dated 4.8.14 – tables 15 and 17 – Web Mitchell movement.


Date of next meeting




Meeting closed 2.15 p.m.

Minutes 21.08.13.

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 21st August 2013 at Jingling Gate.


Don Reid, Mary Page ,Ian Eckford, Elaine Purvis, Brian Lumsden, Liz Muir, Ann Caygill







Minutes of AGM dated 03.06.13.approved.         

No matters arising.



Mary’s absence as Secretary from November to February 2014.

Duties allocated as per attached schedule.  Mary to advise John McCourt/EBU to forward any emails to Ian during her absence.

Don is absent for November and Brian is absent from 30.11.13 - 10.1.14.

Don will miss the October inter area match and Brian will miss December match.






Current scorers are Ian, Ann and David Gold.

Ian to install Scorebridge onto Don’s computer, and advise Scorebridge accordingly.  Ian to ensure all 3 scorers can upload results, upload the hands and update the members database after each session.






Email from N. Aiston re Brunton Book.

 All the committee agreed the book format was excellent and Neil had done a brilliant job.  The members have all expressed their appreciation of the book and Don to confirm this to Neil.




David Wing Newcastle City Cup

A request has been received from David Wing to hold this event on a yearly basis.  The committee have decided not to do so as we have our own charity and specific cup competitions.  Mary to advise David.



Ian Spoor’s donation.

Lengthy discussions took place on how to utilize Ian’s donation to promote Bridge within our area.

The committee decided we would hold on a monthly basis a “Mentor” friendly bridge night for beginners where they could come along for a free evening of bridge, playing with a more experienced player (if they so wished) to help them get used to the idea of playing duplicate bridge in a club environment.

Liz to discuss with Neil Aiston and other bridge teachers the logistics of these sessions and Mary to investigate the room hire at St. Aidans.  The cost for the room hire will be deducted from the Ian Spoor donation.





Any other business

Ann requested if the Club would sponser her to go on an EBU Teachers Training Course as she would like to set up an evening bridge class for beginners to try and promote bridge within our area. The committee agreed this was an excellent idea.

Ann to investigate which Local Authority would be willing to run an evening beginners bridge class.







As no other business the meeting closed at 1.00 pm.  No date set for next committee meeting .


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Monday 11thFebruary 2013 at St Aidans.

Present:    DonReid, Mary Page ,Ian Eckford, Elaine Purvis, Brian Lumsden, Liz Muir







Minutes of AGM minutes dated 8th October 2012 approved.

Matters arising :-

            1. EBU Sims.

Booked 2 events as agreed 13th May and 9th September 2013.  Cost £2.50 per head plus booklet costs of  £8.00 per 20.  Costs to members to be finalized at next committee meeting.


2. Discussed Charity Bridge event at Newburn for 2013 and decision taken to put on Agenda for AGM for members approval.








Christmas Party/Inter Club expenses

Liz confirmed there had been a considerable saving for the Christmas Party/Inter Club home matches as we now cater ourselves.

It was suggested that for our Christmas Party 2013 we charge £5.00 per head and proceeds donated to the Salvation Army to help the homeless over the Christmas period.  Again this matter has been put on the AGM agenda for members approval.







Nominations for committee for 2013-14

Liz advised she would be resigning as treasurer at the end of our financial year.  Ann Caygill has kindly advised she would be willing to take over this role.  All other committee members confirmed they would be standing for re-election.





Nomination for 2013 Book of Records

 Nomination agreed and Mary to liaise with Neil regarding printing at year end.




Competition Winners

It was agreed as per previous years that the winners of the Marathon Pairs and Kempson Vases would be asked to represent the club in the  NEBA Club Championship Teams/Pairs events.




Scoring Rota

Ian was to discuss with Ann and David regarding latest version of scorebridge to ensure database kept up to date for when they do the scoring.




Any other business

As no further business to discuss meeting closed at 7 p.m.



It was agreed tohold next committee meeting prior to our AGM on the 20.5.13.

Maryto liaise with Liz/Brian who will be away during April re actual date.
