Need a partner?
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
Need a Partner?

Need a partner for a particular Bridge session?  Why not use the MEMBERS ONLY selection on the Menu. 

Click on MEMBERSHIP - enter your email address, then click on Forgotten Password. An email will be sent to your email account showing your password.  It will be a jumble and you will want to change it to something handy you can remember easily.

Go back to Bridgewebs Members page again - enter your email address and your new password.  Bingo, you will be inside the Members Only area.

Now click on the ACCOUNTS tab and change your password to one of your choice .... and don't forget to click on the SAVE button (top left on the page) before you quit.  That's it.

Once you are in the Members Only section you can leave your own messages for other Club members to see (the general public are excluded).

Last updated : 7th Aug 2012 21:53 GMT