Roger Horton Plate Competition - rules and draw |
Roger Horton Plate Knockout Competition |
1. All matches to be played on Mondays, date to be agreed by both pairs, before the deadline shown on the noticeboard |
2. Should a match miss the deadline, the opposition in the next round will receive a "Bye" |
3. For the match - players should sit on adjacent tables |
4. The winner of a match will be the pair attaining the higher position during the normal club session |
In the event that the 2 pairs finish equal then the winner will be decided by the first of the following tests that produces a result:
- the pair with the most 100% scores
- the pair with the fewest 0% scores
- the pair with the most dark green boards on their Bridgewebs card
- the pair with the fewest dark red boards on the Bridgewebs card
See below for the draw and deadlines for 2024
Draw 2024 and latest results (click here) |
The deadlines are:
First Round
1 July |
Quarter Final
12 August
Semi Final
9 September
30 September