[Draft] Bristol Bridge Club

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Release 2.19q
Expires 30th April 2020
All Club Sessions
All Club Sessions


We hold regular sessions 6 days a week, most playing duplicate bridge.

Please turn up in time for a prompt start, and allow extra time if you are coming along without a partner. The end time can vary slightly, depending on the general speed of play, but it is rare for sessions to run over the end time given for each session.

Mentor Scheme
To help less experienced players transition to unfamiliar sessions and make it all a lot less scary, we have set up a Mentor Scheme. For each session, we have a pool of experienced players available to partner you the first time (or two) you try a new session. They can show you the ropes, introduce you to people, and generally help you feel more at ease. If you would like to try out a new session with a mentor's help, contact Stephen Royal on 0117 929 1846.

♣  Gentle Non-Duplicate

Wednesday Evening Drop-In, 6.30pm - 10.30pm

A completely informal session of relaxed social bridge, open to all. No scoring, no pressure, casual format and completely free - think kitchen bridge but at the Club! Bring a partner, a group of friends, or turn up on your own - no membership needed.  Run by Stuart King, the aim of this session is just to get you playing at a gentle pace without having to worry about doing the wrong thing, and to introduce you to some club members. Stuart and volunteer Mentor players will be available throughout the evening to play with anyone who turns up without a partner and to help with advice where needed.

The session runs from 6.30 to 10.30pm, but you can come whenever suits you. 

Tuesday Morning Supervised Play, 10am - 1pm

David Jones directs this new session for improvers, a super opportunity to learn and practice play in a non-competitive environment. David will use boards played in previous duplicate sessions to illustrate and consolidate learning on a particular topic. No partner necessary, all welcome!

Saturday Morning Supervised Play, 10am - 1pm

This session is run by Stuart King, who introduces a topic at the start of the morning and then runs you through hands that cropped up in duplicate sessions during the week. This is a great session to help you transition to duplicate play after learning to play. Again, no partner needed and all welcome.

  Gentle Duplicate

Monday Evening, 7.15pm - 10.45pm

If you're ready to try your hand (we're all about puns) at a duplicate session, we recommend this, our gentlest duplicate. Advice on bidding and play is available from our resident expert, Terry Butler, for those that would like some occasional help. If you need a partner, turn up a little early and Terry will organise one for you. Although there is duplicate scoring for this session, because advice is often given, scores are not uploaded to the EBU so there are no masterpoints and no NGS grading. This is not a session intended for more experienced players. 

Friday Evening, 7.15pm - 10.45pm

a gentle session with a range of competitions geared to the average/below average Club player. Friday evening is also a gentle duplicate session where you can play the hands at a comfortable pace, though without supervision. Regular players take part in a competition suitable for 2nd year students. 7.15 to 10.45pm

Friday Morning, 10am - 1pm

After gaining confidence playing on a Monday or Friday evening, improvers can move on to playing in this gentle duplicate where advice is not available, playing 21 hands at a fairly relaxed pace. This is a popular, informal and friendly session, geared to the less confident but enjoyed by players at all levels. You can turn up without a partner, though it's helpful to give the Director, Stephen Royal, advance warning if possible.


Monday & Wednesday Afternoon, 1.15pm - 4.45pm

A good way of improving your game is to play against more experienced players. These are medium level duplicate sessions where you play 24 or 26 hands - a couple of steps up in the level of competition from Friday mornings. There is an ongoing competition for regular afternoon players which doesn’t affect those playing occasionally. You can show up without a partner and the Director (they're all very friendly bods!) will play with you.

♠  Strong

Tuesday & Thursday Evening, 7.15pm - 10.45pm

The main Club Pairs sessions for stronger players, run by experienced Directors. There are different competitions running in different weeks of each month, though you don't have to be in them to play. 

On the first Tuesday of every month is the Austwick cup, the second Tuesday is a Challenge Pairs competition, and the fourth is a Premier Pairs (NGS Queen and up) competition.

Thursdays have three competitions running monthly: the Mendela Cup, Handicapped Pairs, and a Teams competition on the fourth Thursday. There is usually a pair on standby, so if you and your partner don’t have a team, turn up with enough time for the Director to ask them to come in. 

To be sure what's happening in any given week, check the website calendar.

  Sociable Saturdays

Once a month (see calendar), we run a Sociable Saturday evening with an American Supper (pot luck buffet) - please bring a plate of something for everyone to enjoy. The emphasis is on the ‘sociable’, the evening begins with a complimentary glass of wine (the bar stays open, you don't have to stop there!), with the supper between two sessions of bridge. All standards welcome.