Brighouse Bridge Club
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Pages viewed in 2024
Master Points

Master points are awarded on Monday and Wednesday mornings, and Monday and Friday evenings 


Recent EBU Masterpoint Promotions -Updated 16th July

The club congratulates the players below on reaching their new status:-

Anil Aggarwal  District Master
Sue Bentley  Area Master

Find a Partner Instructions

Find a Partner instructions for adding and removing your request.

Click here

Not sure how to access the members section of the website or get an application form?

To get a password:

1     Click on the Membership tab on the left side of the Home page.

2.    On the Member Login page type in your own e-mail address and then click on the Forgotten Password button. 

This will send an e-mail addressed to you with a link to enable you to re-set your password with either one of your own choosing or a random one generated by the system.


To get a membership / application form, click on this link: Membership Form

Please contact me via if you have any problems

Welcome to Brighouse Bridge Club
  **Friday Evening Room Change**
**Friday Evening Room Change**
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  • Please note that from Friday 28th June the Friday evening bridge session will be in the upper room, this is above the room we have previously used. it is literally up the stairs.
  • Please enter via the side entrance as the bottom door will not be open.
  • This is good news as it provides more space. ..........
..... see more
Last updated : 29th Jun 2024 10:18 BST
  Dates for your Diary
Dates for your Diary
  • Ray Stones Memorial - Rearranged to Saturday  21st September afternoon
  • Xmas Party Saturday 7th December Evening
  • Yorkshire League Teams Dates
    • Sunday 13th October
    • Sunday 27th October
    • Sunday 17th November
    • Sunday 1st December
    • Sunday 16th February
    • Sunday 2nd March
    • Sunday 16th March.

♠   ♣ 

Last updated : 27th Jun 2024 20:33 BST
  Ray Stone's Memorial Event

The memorial event for Ray Stone, scheduled for Saturday 29th June, has been postponed until the autumn because the anticipated take up has not materialised due to holidays and various other things. Many members have expressed a wish to take part and therefore in the best interest of members, and the success of the event, it was decided that a postponement was the best course of action.

Last updated : 20th Jun 2024 11:00 BST
  Yorkshire League Season 2024/2025

Following our earlier announcement on the website, we now ask all players interested in representing Brighouse in the 2024/2025 season to please let us know on which of the following dates they will be available to play:

Sunday 13th October, Sunday 27th October, Sunday 17th November, Sunday 1st December, Sunday 16th February, Sunday 2nd March and Sunday 16th March.

Your replies to this are important because they will determine how many teams we can field.

Please reply to by the end of June.

Last updated : 1st Jun 2024 13:05 BST
  Who We Are

We are a friendly and active bridge club based in the centre of Brighouse, West Yorkshire.

We offer a range of social and competitive bridge events, five days a week, for players from beginners to experts.

Our English Bridge Union trained teachers provide beginners and improvers courses throughout the year and we have 4 teams regularly competing in the regional leagues.

Visitors and new members are always welcome, whatever their standard.

For more information about the club please access our contact page from the menu on the left using the information tab.

Last updated : 14th May 2024 16:21 BST
  Bridge Classes 2024



Last updated : 14th May 2024 16:20 BST
  July TD Rota
Last updated : 30th Jun 2024 11:49 BST
  Weekly Schedule


  • Morning – Relaxed Bridge-  Partner required
  • Evening – Duplicate Bridge - Partner required


  • Evening – Team Bridge - Partner required


  • Morning - Relaxed Bridge - Partner required


  • Morning –.Gentle Bridge - No partner required
  • Evening - Duplicate Bridge - No partner required 

All morning sessions start at 10.00 am and all evening sessions at 7.00pm, unless stated otherwise. Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of playing sessions to give the TD time to set up the computer for a prompt start.

Late arrivals may not be included.

Please use the ‘find a partner' section of the website if you need a partner for sessions marked partner required.

For full details please use the information button on the main menu

Last updated : 7th Mar 2024 11:44 GMT
Friday Evening Duplicate
Director: David C
Scorer: Keith
Wednesday Morning Duplicate
Director: Paul
Scorer: Paul
Monday Morning Duplicate
Director: DavidC
Scorer: DavidC
Monday Evening Duplicate
Director: Paul
Scorer: Paul
26th July 2024
Relaxed Bridge with Coaching
29th July 2024
Monday Morning Duplicate
29th July 2024
Monday Evening Duplicate
30th July 2024
Tuesday Evening Teams
Yorkshire League

Brighouse Bridge Club fielded three teams in the Yorkshire League for the 2023/24 season. Details of all the match results and team players are available by clicking here

The teams finishing positions can be found by clicking on the links below. Unfortunately the A team failed in it's appeal and therefore their final league position was 7th. The reason for this was that they tied with Wensleydale and therefore final league positions were determined by the result between the two teams. The league table shows an incorrect position.

Brighouse Aces League Table

Brighouse Buccaneers League Table 

 Brighouse Crusaders League Table


Club Notices


Dealers are still required. We currently have three teams operating therefore, ideally, a 4th team is required. Please contact Paul Bayley – email –

Contact details

Members contact number.

For all general enquires about the club, training events etc please e.mail:

Urgent Phone messages: The club now has its own mobile so members can contact the director if they are going to be delayed or are unable to make a session.  The number is: 07568374329. 

Please note this number is for urgent messages only such as "Delayed by traffic and unable to contact your playing partner" etc. Please do not use this for any general enquires etc.

Annual Membership Fee 2024

The membership fee for 2024 is now due and will remain at £15 per member. Click on the link below for details about the fee, table money and how to pay.

Click Here

Please click on the link below for full details.

Click Here