Release 2.19r
Club Details

Brierfield Bridge Club

2 Clitheroe Rd



Telephone 01282 694175


web address

webmaster Angela Scott


Brierfield Bridge Club is affiliated to the EBU - number 205268

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Pages viewed in 2024
News Page
LBA Teams Results

Congratulations Brierfield!

We have two teams entered in the Lancashire Teams of Eight League who played home matches on Thursday 27th June


Brierfield 1 beat Bolton 2 

12 - 8 (124-114 imps)

The winning team: David Akhurst, Kathryn Thompson, Brian Irlam, Michael Rushworth,

Paul Hepworth, Lynn Hepworth, David Pennington & Pauline Holden


Brierfield 2 beat St Annes 2 

14 -6 (105 - 76 imps)

The winning team: Nigel Hopwood, Norman Cope, Anthea Grange, Peter Dickinson

Trevor Mayes, Chris Waddington, James Woodhouse & Margaret Nelson

St Christophers School Junior bridge Players

The club welcomed students from St Christopher's School Accrington 


Club members mixed for the second time, with junior bridge players from St Christopher's school Accrington .

It proves Bridge is a game for all age groups!

Spring Trophy Winners 2024

Frank Shiers and Pauline Holden

Nancy Newell Competition

Anne Spencer and Jackie Chesney

Crockett Trophy 2024

Kath O'Connell and Alan Martin

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Party
PJ14 6
PJ20 3
PJ6 5 3
PJ8 5
PJ15 3
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Move Mouse over thumbnail to change picture
Pendle Hospice funds Raiser 2023

Thank you for supporting such a worthwhile cause and Well Done everyone!

Lessons on Defence

 Frank Shiers is giving lessons on various aspects of Defence

They are being held at the Club on a Tuesday afternoon at 1.30pm

24th Sept - Defending against No Trumps

8th Oct - Discards

22nd Oct - Leads

Please sign up on the Club notice board .  Each lesson is £3

Fewster Rosebowl Winners 2024


to Jim Woodhouse and Chris Waddington

Winners of the Fewster Rosebowl 2024

Latest LBA Team Results


Brierfield (2) beat Poulton (4)   20 - 0

(And remain at the top of Division 3 with one match to go.)

Winning team were:

Anthea Grange & Peter Dickinson

Shirley Saunders & Nick Aves

Trevor Mayes & Chris Waddington

Alan Crabtree & David Spencer


Bridge Library News

Bridge Library News

The library has now 18 DVD bridge tutorials available to borrow by members.

Instructions are displayed at the club.

Further information from Chris Hopwood or any member of the committee

Moved 21st September