Bridgnorth Bridge Club
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Competitions tells you about your own performance for each year.

The name of the Club shall be "The Severn Bridge Club" hereinafter called "The Club".
The objects of "The Club" shall be to provide facilities for the playing of Contract Bridge.
The management of "The Club" shall be vested in a general committee consisting of the chairman, a secretary, a treasurer and up to six other members, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of "The Club" and shall hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM. The retiring general committee shall recommend at each AGM the number of committee members to be appointed in the forthcoming year, subject to the overall limits above.

Candidates for election to the general committee shall be those members of the retiring committee who offer themselves for re-election and such other members of "The Club" who have agreed to accept office if elected and whose nominations, duly proposed and seconded by members of "The Club", shall have been sent to the Secretary not later than 14 days prior to the date fixed for the AGM.

If the number of candidates for election exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, the elections shall be by ballot of paid up members present at the AGM.

Should a casual vacancy on the general committee arise for any reason, the general committee may co-opt a member to fill the vacancy.

The general committee shall have power to deal with the funds and property of "The Club" and may draw on the funds of "The Club" to meet nay expenditure approved by the general committee. However, no single item of expenditure exceeding £150 may be entered into without the approval of the members in general meeting.

The general committee shall have the power to make such Laws and Rules, in accordance with these constitutions and regulations, as it thinks fit as to the management of "The Club" property and for the organisation of "The Club" activities and competitions in accordance with the objects of "The Club".

The general committee shall meet at least three times a year. Three members of the general committee shall form a quorum, the chairman or secretary being in attendance. Emergency meetings of the general committee may be called if the chairman and secretary consider this essential and desirable. The general committee shall have the power to delegate any of its powers and duties to a sub-committee drawn from members of the general committee or members of "The Club", as it thinks fit.

The secretary shall keep a minute book in which shall be entered a record of all general meetings and all meetings of the general committee.

The general committee shall have power to co-opt any member of "The Club", who is willing to serve, to the general committee or any sub-committee.

The general committee may govern its proceedings and establish any guidelines and regulations for the conduct of its duties as it thinks fit, but shall be subject always to any regulations laid down in the Constitution as approved by the members of "The Club" in general meeting.
Every candidate for membership of "The Club" shall attend on 3 occasions before being proposed by one member and seconded by another. The full name and address shall be submitted to the secretary. If 10 or more members object then the candidate shall not be eligible of membership.

The membership of any member who does not attend at least once during "The Club" year will lapse unless the committee agrees dispensation.

Whilst the current "Venue" continues to be the regular meeting place of "The Club", it shall be a requirement of membership of "The Club" that subscriptions must be paid and membership maintained with the "Venue". If any member’s membership of the "Venue" lapses or is terminated, he or she automatically forfeits playing rights at "The Club".

Each member shall notify the secretary of any change of address or phone number.

The committee has the power to terminate membership of any member of "The Club" after 3 warnings for misconduct, the third warning to be in writing. A member may be summarily dismissed from membership for serious misconduct provided that the general committee is in unanimous agreement that the circumstances warrant such measures to be taken. Any member who has their membership terminated by the Committee shall have the right of appeal at the next following general meeting and a special committee may be appointed to hear the appeal if the members in the general meeting so agree.
The financial year of "The Club" shall be from the 1st of April to the 31st of March.

The general committee shall control the finances of "The Club".

"The Club’s" bankers shall be National Westminster, London.
   Table Money
Members shall pay an annual fee. The level of the annual fee to be determined at the AGM.

Members shall pay a table fee per session of such amount as the general committee determines subject to ratification at the AGM.

Visitors shall pay an additional fee to the general table fee. The level of the additional fee to be determined at the AGM.
  General Meeting
The AGM will be held in the month of April or such other month as the general committee determine provided always that no more than 15 months shall elapse between the holding of one AGM and the next.

The AGM shall be convened and notice shall be deemed to be given to all members of "The Club", the final announcement to be made not more than 14 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting. Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) may be called in a similar manner but 2 announcements shall suffice the last being not more than 7 days prior to the meeting.

The secretary shall convene an EGM on written demand signed by 5 members giving 28 days notice to the secretary of the date of the meeting. The demand and notice of the meeting must state the business for which the meeting is called, and only that business shall be transacted.

Proceedings at any general meeting of "The Club" shall not be invalidated by failure of any member to receive notice of the meeting, notice having been duly given in accordance with the rules set out above.

Voting on any matter raised at general meetings, including the election of members of the general committee shall be by a simple majority of those present and voting on a show of hands. The chairman’s declaration of the result of such a vote shall be conclusive. However, any 5 members may demand that a secret ballot is taken the result by simple majority of those present and voting, shall supersede the outcome of a show of hands.

The quorum of any general meeting shall be 20 members of "The Club".
  General Rules
Competitions shall be held at such times and under such conditions as the general committee or any sub-committee shall determine.

Any suggestions or complaints regarding the arrangements of "The Club" shall be submitted in writing and handed to the secretary or any member of the general committee and shall be considered at the next committee meeting.

"The Club" accepts no responsibility whatever for the property or belongings of any member or visitor whilst on the premises of "The Club".

Any matter not provided for in these regulations and all questions arising regarding their construction or implication shall be decided by the general committee.

The Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary and members of the general committee shall not be responsible, either individually or jointly, for any liabilities incurred by "The Club". All members shall be equally responsible for any liabilities incurred during their time of membership.

Alterations, additions or amendments to these regulations and constitution cannot be made except by a resolution at a general meeting.

These regulations and constitution were adopted at the Annual General Meeting held on 1st of January 2000.