SpadeHeart  DiamondClub
Release 2.19o
Weekly Games Available

Weekly duplicate tournaments include the Ruff Club in Camden (Friday evenings) and Kingston Bridge Club on Thursday evenings.  There is also a full club duplicate at the London Mindsports Centre, Hammersmith on the third Tuesday evening of each month

Daytime social bridge with advice available contiues on Tuesday afternoons at Chiswick Tennis Club W4 3EU (2.00-4.30pm) and at Our Lady Queen of Peace TW10 5AN on Thursday mornings (9.30am-12noon)

Our online games also continue.

New Venue For Tuesday Evening Duplicate
New Venue For Tuesday Evening Duplicate

Ned Paul Bridge is playing live on Tuesday evenings at the new London Mindsports Centre 'LMC' in Hammersmith.  Thie game is run in the name of New Chiswick Bridge Club and I am pleased to say many of the NCBC players have made the transition from Chiswick Tennis Club and are happy with the bigger attendance we are now getting.    Find the Mindsports Centre at 21-23 Dalling Road, Hammersmith, W6 0JD.  Nearest tube Ravenscourt Park (3 minutes, but stairs) or many Hammersmith buses (alight at Ravenscourt Park Station stop in King Street).  Street parking is possible but allow time.  We play bridge on the ground floor with level access.  There is a licensed bar for drinks, tea/coffee, and light meals, sandwiches and snacks.

Please note the 'senior' bridge client of the LMC is Young Chelsea BC.  Our game is independently organised and not associated with YCBC.  We aim for our game to be a welcoming social game for ALL players, intermediate and above.  New players are always welcome and single players will always get a game. 


John Balson Remembered

The late John Balson died at the Princess Alice Hospice Esher in 2019. In March 2021 we ran a memorial bridge day in his name that raised a massive £5,000+ for the Hospice.

Here is a bridge story that typifies John. You deal and hold:

♠ A K Q 9 8 3
♥ A Q
♦ A 9 4 2
♣ K

You are behind in a match you need to win and the boards are running out.  You open 2♣ and partner responds 3♣, a positive response promising 8+hcp and two of the top three honours in clubs. What is your rebid and what was the late John Balson's rebid?  Fot the answer click on this link.

Cafe Bridge

For up-to-date Cafe Bridge News and Fixtures check out Victor Lesk's Cafe Bridge Page

New for 2021 - Partner Finder Service

New for 2021 is the Bridgewebs 'Partner Finder' service, which you can use for any advertised online tournament. 

Click  the 'Find a Partner' link above.  To register for the service, you will need to enter your EBU number and your email address. You will be sent a link to your private 'member's area' on this website. When activated this will allow you to choose sessions where you need a partner. 

If you have difficulty registering (or do not have an EBU number yet) please send an email to Ned ( and we will send you your number and confirm your entry in our players' list.

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Welcome to Bridge with Ned Paul
Friendly Bridge - Informal Surroundings
Friendly Bridge - Informal Surroundings

WELCOME to Bridge with Ned Paul.

On these pages you will find information and results from events run by the bridge organiser and teacher Ned Paul.

Bridge offered includes both online and live face-to-face sessions.  These include online and live duplicate tournaments, improver 'supervised play' classes, and beginner bridge lessons.

For full information scroll down.

Ned Paul Bridge Goes Online
Ned Paul Bridge Goes Online

Full Programme of Online Tournaments

We are currently running three online tournaments a week. The programme includes evening games a week; with the return to 'normal life' after Covid, we have withdrawn the daytime games.  The core of the regular players come from Ned Paul's various F2F clubs but we also extend a general welcome to players looking for friendly duplicates.  Many of the players use the English 'Acol' bidding system, but you are welcome to play other systems such as SAYC or 2-over-1.  Please be prepared to introduce yourselves by name at the start of each round and give a brief summary of your system. Single players are welcome - see below. A fee is payable. 

All games are 20-21 boards, matchpointed pairs and last approximately two hours or a few minutes more.  All the games are registered with English Bridge Union (EBU) and give the opportunity to win EBU Master Points. Games will appear on your EBU record as from 'Ned Paul Bridge Club' . Membership of the EBU is free if you play in the tournaments; if you are not yet a member we can register you.  

These are the days and times (UK Time).

  Monday evening  - 7.30pm
  Wednesday evening  - 7.30pm
------------------------ * Friday evening  - 7.30pm

the time and co


How To Play

Bridgebase Online (BBO)

the time and cos
We host our tournamnts on the popular online bridge playing site Bridge Base Online ('BBO'). Registration on BBO is free of charge.  Simply go to and follow the instructions to register with a Username and Password. You only need do this step once.

To find the Ned Paul tournaments: Log on to BBO and at the welcome screen click 'Competitive', then, 'Tournaments', then 'All Tournaments'.  Scroll down the time-ordered list until you find the 'Ned Paul Online' tournament.  Click 'Register' to play. If you know who your partner is 'Invite' them and your partner, who should be online too, can 'Accept'.  If you have no pre-arranged partner, click 'Show Partnership Desk' and either 'Invite' a player already waiting or add your name to the partnership desk list.

Please be online at the scheduled start time for the game. 

If you have not played with me before, first make sure that you are registered on BBO (free of charge)    Then mail me ( with your BBO user name, your real name, your EBU number if you have one, and your contact email.  On receipt of your details, I will add you to the list of 'permitted players' entitled to join my games.

Single Players

As far as possible we welcome single players to the tournaments.   Follolw the registration trail for the tournament but instead of inviting a partner register at the Partnershp Desk. Wait and we will pair you up with another player or a host.  Another single player may invite you to play (or vice versa).  You may also choose to play with a BBO Robot, though if you choose this option voluntarily we will need to charge you the robot's table money too! (This does not apply if we offer you a robot partner after the game has started.)

If no partner is available we will probably spot you waiting there and if so you will be invited by a host.If you cannot get a partner stay in the partnership desk and you will be invited by a host shortly before game time.

How To Pay

Games cost £4 per person per game. You may buy game credits singly at £4.00 plus 30p handling fee; four at a time £16 (no handling fee) or £40 for ten games. This game credit charge reflects the time and cost needed to organise and run tournaments. (Costs include BBO fees, the EBU  'Universal Membership' charge and Tournament Director costs)  

To pay, please use the Ned Paul online payment portal  This payment portal has been set up for me by colleague Victor Lesk of BriAn scoring app fame: 'npo' stands for Ned Paul Online.  Credit/Debit Card payments, BACS transfers and Cheques are all accepted. Please use this payment portal for all payments even if you know my bank details and have previously paid direct.  This will help me keep track of you.

Live Bridge Post Lockdown

If you are looking for live tournament play post-Lockdown, the following clubs hosted by Ned are all now meeting in person again.  The clubs have their own websites (click links for details of sessions and recent results):

Ned also runs 'Supervised Play' sessions for refreshers and improvers.  Join us each week at Chiswick Tennis Club, W4 3EU on Tuesday afternoons (2.00pm-4.30pm); and at Our Lady Queen of Peace church hall, Sheen, TW10 5AN on Thursday mornings (9.30am-12noon).  Theer is free street parking outisde Chiswick Tc and there is parking in the Church car park in Sheen.

Please enquire.without obligation. Players of all standards are welcome and games are hosted, ensuring all single players will be found a partner.

Beginner Lessons
We are resuming our popular Beginner Course - 'Learn Bridge in a Weekend' . There will be an edition in London on January 15th/16th 2022. Details are on this page.

Princess Alice Hospice Fundraiser - March 12th 2021
Princess Alice Hospice Fundraiser - March 12th 2021

Princess Alice Hospice Day Raised £5,010 – Amazing Outcome!

Our Princess Alice Hospice Day on Friday March 12th 2021 was a huge and stunning success!  With your help we smashed to smithereens even our most optimistic targets, raising a total including Gift Aid of £5,010.  Wow, just wow! Contributions came in via entry fees, entries to the prize draw, and donations via John Hughes's Richmond Friends of PAH Just Giving page. Many of you added Gift Aid, swelling the total.

The day was held in memory of John Balson, my long term bridge partner, who died at the Hospice two years ago.  I was delighted how many of you remembered him from playing in local clubs and tournaments.

After the tournaments, John Hughes's wife Marta of the Richmond Friends did the blind draw for the draw prizes and these were the winners: 

  • Vintage Port: Maxine Julius
  • Wine Hamper: Barbara Beaumont
  • Cashmere jumper: Billie Stephens
  • Fiorelli Wallet: Barbara Spratley
  • One Hundred Teddington High Street voucher: Derek Thrumble
  • Old Plough at Cobham voucher: Carol Regulski

Winners have been contacted and asked to make arrangements for collection/delivery of their prize. 

The Just Giving page will remain open for a while  – click here.  

For the background to John Balson and the Hospice read the item elsewhere on this page or click on this link.

Cue Bidding Workshop Day - November 17th

24 players attended a recent 2-session Seminar & Practice Day on "Cue Bidding for Slam", led by Ned Paul.  This took place on  November 17th at Young Chelsea Bridge Club, Shepherds Bush..

The day started with a a presentation and discussion of  Cue Bidding, followed by a series of practice deals. The afternoon session ran as an 18-baord themed duplicate tournament, giving participants a chance to practice cue-bidding in a realistic but concentrated way. Simialr days on other topics may be held in 2019.

About Ned Paul Bridge

Ned Paul organises bridge tournaments, practice sessions and tuition at a variety of venues across London.  All are welcome at any session; single players are paired up and everyone is guaranteed a game. Enquiries are welcome: email or phone or text 07792 715517.

This page is always under construction. Please check back again soon.

Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
Director: Ned/Elaine
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
Director: Ned/Elaine
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
Director: Ned/Elaine
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
Director: Ned/Elaine
Learn Bridge in a Weekend
Director: Ned
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
Director: Ned/Elaine
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
Director: Ned/Elaine
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
Director: Ned/Elaine
17th February 2025
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
RealBridge 7.30pm
Director: Ned/Elaine
 RealBridge Login
24th February 2025
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
RealBridge 7.30pm
Director: Ned/Elaine
 RealBridge Login
3rd March 2025
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
RealBridge 7.30pm
Director: Ned/Elaine
10th March 2025
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
RealBridge 7.30pm
Director: Ned/Elaine
17th March 2025
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
RealBridge 7.30pm
Director: Ned/Elaine
24th March 2025
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
RealBridge 7.30pm
Director: Ned/Elaine
31st March 2025
Cam-Bridge Monday Duplicate
RealBridge 7.30pm
Director: Ned/Elaine
Supervised Play For New Players

If you have just begun bridge - or are thinking of doing so - a great way of improving your experience is 'supervised play'  You deal and play the cards at the table but a tutor is on hand to advise and guide as necessary.  Supervised play is suitable for beginners, near beginners, improvers and refreshers and is a great way to build on whatever experience you have.  The games are friendly and non-competitive and all our groups love to welcome new players of any standard.  Playing in this way is much better in our opinion than just taking formal lessons that may have a limited context to your actual experience so far.  You took up bridge to play it, not to learn it!  Come and join us and we will help you!

Supervised sessions that we run include:

Mondays 2.00pm - 4.30pm.  Nightingale Place, Clapham SW4 9AH.

Tuesdays 2.00pm - 4.30pm.  Chiswick Tennis Club SW4 3EU.

Wednesdays 7.00pm - 9.30pm.   Nightingale Place, Clapham SW4 9AH

Thursdays 9.30am - 12 noon.   East Sheen Bridge Club at Our Lady Queen of Peace, TW10 5AN.

If any of these venues is close to you come and join us.  Please email or phone before your first visit so we know to expect you.

Learn Bridge In A Weekend!

Start your bridge adventure with our popular beginner course 'Learn Bridge in a Weekend'. 

We have run this course with great success for more than fifteen years.  It was designed to help absolute beginners play quickly and effectively. You do not need to take - and pay for - endless beginnner lessons which many bridge teachers prefer. We cover all the basics need to get you started in a single weekend! That means that your focus can then switch straightaway to gaining experience through actual play.  Bridge is not hard to play - but you need experience to play well. We recommend that after the course you take advantage of 'supervised play' opportunities available in various places around London. Further formal lessons can follow when you know what you need to learn!

Hours for 'Learn Bridge in a Weekend' are Saturday/Sunday 10.30am-5.30pm both days.  The tuition is supported throughout by playing practice and you receive a comprehensive folder of notes and examples.  Hot buffet lunch is included on both days. Tea/coffee available withithout charge throughout.  Cost is £135 per person,

Next available dates:

Weekend Social Bridge

Now meeting in person again! 

There is regular informal bridge at the Royal Oak pub near Borough station and also at the Cool Carrot cafe in Highgate. All welcome, including newcomers, especially those who work in the week.  Full details at