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New Bridge Courses starting in January

Hildenborough Evening Sessions
Founded: March 1985

Meets at: Finzi Room

Hildenborough Village Hall
10 Riding Lane, Hildenborough
TN11 9HY
Times 7.15pm for a prompt 7.30 start. Finishes around 10.15.
We meet on the first and third Thursdays of each calendar month. Click "Calendar" on the left hand menu for precise dates.
Table money: Gentle Duplicate £4.50 per person - Novice Duplicate £35 for a course of 8 sessions
Annual sub: £0 at present
Activities: There is always supervised gentle duplicate bridge and players can turn up with or without partners.Everyone will be guaranteed a game. There is usually novice duplicate or beginner's practice sessions as well, but players should sign up in advance to ensure we reach a minimum of 8 players. Again everybody is guaranteed a game. The results of both sections will usually be calculated within an hour of the end. Click "Results" on the left hand menu to view. 
Who should attend: 
Gentle Duplicate Players should have completed one year of lessons or be of equivalent or higher standard. For the first few visits, players can use crib sheets as they build up their confidence. Some players are quite experienced but are always very tolerant of the less experienced. The emphasis is on the social side of bridge whilst playing a gently competitive game. About 18 hands are played. This section is affiliated to the English Bridge Union and 10% of table money goes towards supporting national and county bridge initiatives.
Novice Duplicate. More emphasis only learning in a friendly atmosphere than on winning. Players still having lessons lessons or who are completely new to duplicate should attend our novice duplicate sessions first. Students from Bridge For Fun lessons, Kent Adult Ed. and other private teachers are very welcome.Players will be gradually  introduced to duplicate bridge, eventually  playing 12-14 boards a session. Crib sheets can be used throughout. We will help with the scoring and give guidance with bidding and with the first lead. We teach table etiquette and show people who to complete travellers and scorecards, so that the transition to gentle duplicate will be smooth. A block of 8 Novice Duplicate sessions costs £35.
The next group of sessions starting on 5 March 2020 is fully subscribed. Another group starts on 5 September and should be booked in advance.
Refreshments: Coffee, decaf coffee, tea, fruit and herbal teas and biscuits are included in the price. Home made cookies are also available most Thursdays. There is a refreshment break of about 10 - 15 minutes.
Parking: Parking is available in the Village Hall Car Park, 50 yards further along Riding Lane. In the evenings, parking is also available in the school car park directly opposite the hall. There is also on-street parking in the area plus further spaces in the sports field car park 20 yards along the road from the hall car park.
Partners: Players without partners are very welcome and the organiser will match people up or play themselves so that everybody is guaranteed a game.
Visitors: Visitors can just turn up but if they prefer they may contact Stephen Pierce on 07973 207218 beforehand.