What is the cost per session?
The fully inclusive cost is £0.99p (incl VAT) per session (but see next FAQ).
This cost for each Approved Tournament includes 2 parts:
- Payment of the EBU UMS 'Pay2Play' Fee.
- The Service charge by BridgeClubLive in providing the Platform, for uploading the results to the EBU and administering all the payment processing on behalf of BridgeClubUK.
What about Novice/Improver sessions?
These sessions are excluded from billing. They are not uploaded to the EBU, so are excluded from Master points and NGS upgrades.
How are Full and Social members billed?
Members are nominally charged £0.99p per session via an EMAILED Invoice that will have an integrated Payment button for ease of payment. These will be sent out quarterly in arrears for payment within the following month.
How are Ad Hoc members billed?
For those who wish to play on an ad-hoc basis, the 1 Month £10 full membership subscription option provides FULL membership and UNLIMITED play in the main BCL club and ALL other tournaments for the whole month. A separate Invoice (noted above) will be sent out on a quarterly basis, ONLY for those sessions played in BridgeClubUK.
How are Life members billed?
Life members can play as little or as often as they wish, but they too, will receive an invoice for those sessions played.
Alerting and announcing rules?
Alerting and announcing is as per EBU rules. A sheet summarising these rules can be found via the left hand margin or here.
Are Convention cards or Simple System Descriptions supported?
Yes. Simple Systems Descriptions, SSDs, (BCL's implementation of convention cards) is fully supported. BridgeClubUK has full visibility of SSDs previously created on BCL. SSDs created or amended on BridgeClubUK are saved for future use and visible on BCL. Click here for an overview of SSDs and here for a Help desk article along with screen shots.
Is BridgeClubUK EBU NGS or BCL PPI rated?
BridgeClubUK is fully EBU National Grading System, NGS, rated. NGS is the EBU rating system and was developed from BCL's PPI system.
BridgeClubUK is not BCL Past Performance Indicator, PPI, rated, PPI is BCL's own rating system.
Are sessions restricted based on standard or ratings?
No. All sessions are open to all.
How can I find a partner?
You may be able to join a session and successfully find a pick up partner. There are the normal BCL facilities to advertise for a partner, see here.
There is a FindAPartner link in the left hand menu. It emails BridgeclubUK who may then be able to put interested people in contact.
Alternatively, there are various Find a Partner facilities on the main BCL site.
Are you closing your current F2F offering?
No. BCL sees this as an addition to the F2F offering (it actually uses the same software framework). However, it is likely that F2F clubs may reduce anyway as people return to real clubs. BridgeClubUK will allow people who do not wish to return to a real club to continue playing.
Does this use the Audio/Visual facilities?
The standard Audio/Visual facilities are available.
I am not an EBU member, is that a problem?
No problem. BridgeClubUK will set you up as a new EBU member. You will be asked to confirm or provide an address by email. This is purely for use by the EBU, they like to send out a welcome letter and pack to new EBU members.
You might wish to note that EBU membership is free if playing in a club, the EBU is then funded by charging PaytoPlay on sessions. More info at https://www.ebu.co.uk/information-resources/ebu-membership .
I am a member of a F2F club, is that a problem?
There are direct links to the play site on both BCL's Home page and the Home page of this site (near top right). No need to de-assign yourself from your F2F club and assign to BridgeClubUK (and reversing that after the session).
When are results and EBU NGS updated?
Results are updated soon after the session closes. They should be automatically uploaded before the next session starts.
EBU NGS is manually uploaded, hopefully by end of the day so that NGS updates are visible next morning on EBU's MYEBU. There may be a delay if some players in the session do not have EBU membership numbers supplied to BCL. There may also be a delay when results have been explicitly delayed by BCL (e.g. ECATS sims & Children in Need).
How do I get a TD ruling?
A TD ruling may be needed for e.g. incorrect claim or damage from wrong bid explanation. Contact BridgeclubUK at "Contact us" . (Linked from left hand margin/Contact us ).
Should my actual name be displayed in results?
Yes. It is the way the software works and results are submitted to the EBU which requires both your real name and EBU number. However, if you really do not wish your name displayed on Bridgewebs, email us or use the contact form. BridgeclubUK can set you up with a Bridgewebs alias such that your Aliias is displayed instead of name.
How do I get a login tho the members area of this site?
There is no actual members only data held on BridgeclubUK, therefore there is no need to be provided with a member login.
The main BCL site holds BCL aliases and whatever data the member wishes to display (e.g. email address, real name or, more rarely, a phone number).