Playing Instructions
NOTE: Audio and/or Video Chat Room is available to meet other BridgeClubUK Improvers for the Tuesday 10:00 session. This is available at any time - useful before/during/after Improvers Sessions
EBU rated and Improvers Sessions
Session 'Slot Times' when room opens, are nominally 1000 (12 Boards),1400,1900 hrs UK Local Time.
PLAY begins 15 minutes after room opens. 18 boards typically complete in less than 2 hours.
Improvers can click the button below to enter the Tournament Room (EBU rated play is on our main site)
Seating Time: 15 minutes, Boards: 12 (ImproversAM), 18 (EBU rated)
Sequence of events:
- The BridgeClubUK Room will SHOW (but closed) 5 minutes before the beginning of the Slot Start Time.
- When your ROOM OPENS, you enter and sit down as pairs. Important: Unlike face to face clubs DO NOT sit 4 at a table, sit alone with your partner the server will chose your opponents.
- The Seating Time is the time you then have in minutes to complete your seating and follows on from when the room opens.
- The actual TOURNEY PLAY BEGINS after the seating time period when every one should be seated and ready. No further entries are accepted from this time.
- The TOURNEY ENDS always 15 minutes before the Slot End Time when the room will show closed.
Detailed Information
- The server will combine partnerships who have submitted and confirmed their SSD and will then know (or the purposes of calculating the automatic movement) that they are therefore effectively "Ready to Play" and will be part of the Tourney movement.
- NOTE: The Server will automatically set you as READY immediately an SSD has been submitted and confirmed but If you accidentally cancel the "ready status" then quickly press "ready" to correct this.
- Once you have started board 1, the server will announce after each round at which table you will be next playing and against who then move you automatically to the next table.
- Players cannot join the event once auto-movement is confirmed when the seating time has passed after the room opens (unless a player/table requires a substitute)
Tournament Type
- The movements are special types of Howell, so, for example, with three tables you would have five rounds with the first three rounds being 4 boards each and the last two rounds being five boards each.
- With 4 tables, for example, you would have seven rounds with three boards each except the last round would be four boards.
- If you have fewer boards, the rounds will be a bit shorter and if you have more boards, the rounds will be a bit longer.
- With larger numbers of tables, the tables are grouped into mini-clusters of either three, four, five or six tables.
- The tables are sorted according to table number and selected based on this order. Where two pairs are merged into one table, usually the lower numbered table is chosen.
- Within each section you will follow a Howell Movement and some boards are arrow-switched.
- At the end of each round, the server will tell each pair where it will play and against whom.