The Bridge Circle
Key Links

Member Guidelines - click here

Circle System Card - click here
No need to alert/announce if you use this card.

A reminder...
A reminder...

If you register for a session, and do not get included when the session starts (ie you are booted), please always chat DarrenE and/or Cathey (the TDs), because if there is a half table we can add you back in. 

We cannot, however, add you back in if there is no half table.  Sorry!

The Future...
The Future...

A message from Darren - The path from Lockdown: more...


If you are affected by a connection issue, then you are expected to return.

If your partner is affected, you are expected to remain at the table until the TD confirms you may withdraw.  Thank you.  

Can you help...

as a substitute in our events? 
If so, please chat DarrenE and/or Cathey when logged in. Thank you!

Understanding the Robots

Robot's System Card

Robot's System Explained

In general, the GIB robots on BBO use the 2/1 system described in the above.
You can click on any of GIB's bids for an explanation.

Please BEWARE - When a human plays with a Robot the explanations given are
what the Robot provides and may not be what the human player intended.

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Release 2.19r
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Welcome to the Bridge Circle Website

 ♠ Fun, Fair & Friendly Online Bridge  

Afternoon Sessions
Afternoon Sessions

Members will have noticed that some afternoon sessions have not run due to insufficient members wishing to play.  So as not to disappoint members, we open up some afternoon sessions to other BBO players so that they are more likely to run.  

To enable Cathy to determine whether to open up the session or not, it would help if Circle players could be registered by 1.50pm (you can always log off until the starting time).  If Cathy does not have 3 tables by 1.50pm, the session will be opened up to accommodate guests.  If you do happen to log in after 1.50pm and cannot register, please chat "Cathey" (Cathy's BBO name) to let her know and she will increase the number of players permitted to register so you can join.

Please remember that visitors will likely play 5 card majors and strong NT and some may not speak English.  If you experience any difficulty, please call the TD.

Thank you.

Partnership Facilitator

 A reminder - if you are ever looking for a partner, or would like to play in other sessions but do not have a partner available, please email Cathy who will try to help.  

Join our Facebook Group!

♠ Click Here ♠ 

To join our Facebook Group

Latest News * BBO Service Notices * Find a Partner

* Discuss a Hand *


Educational Activities
Educational Activities

The Circle is not planning any educational activities, but if you are interested in developing your bridge skills formally, please contact Myra.

Thank you.

Who are we?

The Bridge Circle (Circle) is an independent sole proprietorship operated by Darren Evetts

The sole aim of the Circle is to offer low cost online bridge and associated activities.

Please read the guidelines, and enjoy! 

 ♦ The Team ♦ 

♦ Darren (BBO: DarrenE) - Manager   Cathy (BBO: Cathey) - TD & Partnership Facilitator ♦ 
 ♦ Myra (BBO: MHS22) - eLP Consultant & Tutor ♦  Liz (BBO: LizGahan) - Founder Member & eLP Tutor ♦ 

GDPR Notice

Data collected about you (Name, Email Address, and BBO Name) is for the sole purpose of administering your current and future membership of the The Bridge Circle (Circle). 
Your Data is shared with BBO (your BBO ID), Bridgewebs (if you complete an online form) and, if you participate in an event involving such (eg Children in Need Simultaneous Pairs), eCats and the EBU. 
Your data will not be shared with any other organisation unless so required by law, or as part of an investigation into a breach of Circle regulation/guidelines.
For questions relating to how your data is used, or to amend your data, please email here.

Times of Play

Daily @ 2pm &
weekdays @ 7.15pm

18 Boards

Become a Member

Click Here

to register for membership

Monthly subscription applies


Need a Partner?

For any Circle sessions?

Contact our partnership facilitator, Cathy, by emailing here,
and she will do her best to arrange one for you

Contact Us

If you have any questions,
comments or feedback
please email us here

Tuesday Evening (BBO)
Monday Afternoon (BBO)
Monday Evening (BBO)
Sunday Afternoon (BBO)
Saturday Afternoon (BBO)
Friday Afternoon (BBO)
Friday Evening (BBO)
Thursday Evening (BBO)
Wednesday Evening (BBO)
Tuesday Afternoon (BBO)
Tuesday Evening (BBO)
Monday Afternoon (BBO)
Monday Evening (BBO)
Sunday Afternoon (BBO)
Saturday Afternoon (BBO)
Friday Afternoon (BBO)
Friday Evening (BBO)
Thursday Evening (BBO)
Wednesday Afternoon (BBO)
Wednesday Evening (BBO)