Brevard Bridge Club
Release 2.19q

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About Competitions

1. Log in to

2. Click on COMPETITIONS in the home-page menu.

3. A drop-down box appears below COMPETITIONS:

    a. Open Individual

    b. Open Pairs

    c. 0-199 Individual

    d. 0-199 Pairs

4. Click on the competition in the menu that you would like to view.

Note that the competitions have been modified from Thursday and Friday to Open and 0-199.  This better reflects tha games that we have been running since we added an open game on Fridays.

These will run as quarterly competitions and are just for fun.  There are no prizes, except your knowledge of how your game is improving from quarter to quarter.  The competition starts afresh at the beginning of a new quarter.  In addition, a year to date competition will be posted at the end of each quarter.

Here are the parameters:

1) Positions are determined by averaging session scores earned during ACBL sanctioned games at our club over the calendar period of that competition.

2) Participation requirement: playing in at least four open sessions to be eligible for the Individual and Pair positions for that competition and in at least four 0-199 sessions to become eligible for that competition.  (Note:  Playing in at least eight sessions between January and the last session in June is required for a player/pair to be included in the January through June competitions.  That number will increase by four for each additional quarter.)  

Positions and Averages will not be shown until a total of four sessions have been played during each calendar quarter. (January through September and January through December Positions and Averages will be posted at the conclusion of those calendar periods.)

When a COMPETITION page opens, four tabs are seen:

1) “Competition” shows the current position of eligible individuals and pairs.

2) “Players” shows the names of everyone having played in at least ONE session of a competition during the current quarter/three quarters/year.

3) “Events” shows the calendar dates of sessions held for that competition and the score and position of each individual who played (shown with partner’s name) in that session.  Click on a date to open information about any session.

4) “Non-qualifiers” shows the names of those “insufficient” to be given a position.  That simply means they have not played in the minimum required sessions during the current period for that competition.  These “held” scores will automatically be included in average and position calculations once an individual or pair meets the participation requirement for that competition.

Don't get overly serious about this!  Just have fun with it.