Brevard Bridge Club
Release 2.19q

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Unlocking the Tools in the 'Results Section'

1. In the search box of your internet browser type to access our website.

2. On the homepage click on “Latest Results” in the top right corner or click on Results Calendar in the left-side menu of the home page.  NOTE: should Members Only be displayed rather than Latest Results in the top right corner, access results using Results Calendar.

3. A page opens with five tabs: Ranking (which is the one being displayed), Scorecards, Matrix, Travelers and Hands.

4. If you used Latest Results: the page being viewed is from the last club session for which results have been posted. To view results from a different date click on the calendar icon on the top left.  The calendar provides several mobile tools for accessing different time periods. The print icon on the Ranking page permits printing of this page.

    If you used Results Calendar: click on the text (not the date) of the session of interest.

The Ranking Tab (Column Meanings):

“Pos” = position; listed first is the partnership with the highest score as represented by awarded Matchpoints and Score %.  There may be a “pos” listed for North/South and below that for East/West or just one overall score for the session.

“No” = the partnership number applicable for the session.

“Players” = Names of partnership members.

“Section/Rank” = this may show any of these:

   “A1”=this pair played in the A strata and placed first overall in their compass direction (N/S or E/W).

   “B21” = this pair played in the B strata and placed second overall and first in their strata for their compass direction.

   “B 2” = this pair played in the B strata, did not place overall (hence the space between B and 2), but placed second in their strata for their compass direction.

“Matchpoints” = total matchpoints awarded for the entire session.  At the end of play, the scoring system we use (ACBLscore) awards each pair 1 matchpoint for every pair who scored worse than they on each board played, ½ a matchpoint for each pair who scored equally, and no matchpoint if their score is inferior to those of other pairs.

“Score%” = this number is the result of a rather complex computation done within ACBLscore at the end of play and relates to a partnership’s awarded matchpoints expressed as a percentage.

“Masterpoints” = relates to MP earned by each member of the pair due to the partnership’s “placing” during the duplicate competition.  “1.20 SA Blk” translates 1.20 MP earned while playing in Strata A and the pigmentation of the MP is black (the color earned in a normal club session).

The Scorecards Tab:

On the left are “Players” and “Compare”; ignore the “Did not play” column.

Click on “Players” to see a listing of the first names of players in each partnership.  Click on any pair.

In the blue bar of the panel that opens you’ll see their pair number, compass direction and first names.  In the larger grey area is detailed information on every board this pair played (board number, pair number and first names of the opposition, contract (“bid”), by whom, tricks taken, resulting score (+ = for the pair; - = for the opposition), matchpoints and percentage.

Using the Compare feature

Suppose your partnership came in 5th position and you want to compare your results with the pair that came in 1st in your compass direction.

1) Open the Scorecards tab.

2) Click “Players” to reveal the first names of each pair.

3) Click on the first names of your partnership to reveal all the boards you played.

4) In the blue banner above your names, click “Compare”, which results in merely duplicating your own results panel.

5) Look in the far-left panel and click on the first names of the pair that came in 1st.  All of their boards are now displayed in that second panel you opened.  You now have your panel beside theirs and can compare the results on any board.

6) Should you wish to compare your results with another pair, click on “Compare” and then click on the first names of the desired pair in the far-left panel.  The results of that pair replace the results of the first.

NOTE: your display may be getting a bit crowded by now with probably four panels in view.  Simply click “close” above the far-left panel to rectify the crowding.

The Boards, View Larger and Play it again Features

1. Boards played can be accessed…

    a. in any order by clicking on the numbered, small boxes.

    b. in sequence by clicking “next” below those small boxes.

2. Board display…

    a. Dealer and vulnerability is at top left.

    b. High Card Points in each hand is at bottom left.

    c. Suggested “makeable” contracts are at bottom right.

    d. Board number is in the center.

    e. Dealer is shown in a white box of a compass direction.

    f. Green box border = not vulnerable; red border = vulnerable.

3. Hover your cursor over a hand to display analytical point information.

4. “View larger” = click on this item just below the board to display the cards of each hand.

5. “Play it again” is just below the board

    a. The first time this feature is employed you must select a “viewer” to use in playing the hands.  Click “Play it again”; on the page that opens click on either “select viewer” or “switch viewer” in the bottom left hand corner.  On the panel that opens, click of “BSOnline”, the default viewer used by Bridgewebs, our website program.          

b. To play a contract, select it in the makeable contracts box at the bottom-right of the displayed board.  (NOTE: You can only play a displayed contract.)  Suppose you select “4H in the E”.  The box of the opening leader (south in this case) is now highlighted (yellow and green) with numbers.  The program is using green to suggest possible “good” leads and yellow as possible not so good ones.  The numbers suggest the tricks the partnership (N/S in this case) will make with any selected card.  As the hand is played, these colors and numbers might change depending of subsequent cards played.  As you play a card in one hand, the hand next in rotation becomes highlighted.

c. Here’s a great way to use this feature:  suppose on board 1 your partnership bid and made 2S.  You notice, when you compared your score with that posted by the pair in first place, they bid and made 4S. You wonder how they made that contract when you struggled to make your 2S.  If 4S is displayed as a makeable contract, just click on it and follow the highlighted and numbered boxes to see how 4S can be made.

d. Here’s another way to use Play it again:  suppose on board 2 your partnership bid 5H and went down 2 tricks.  The makeable contract box indicates 5H can be achieved.  Just click on it and let the colors and numbers guide you through making 5H.

e. The use of the highlights and numbers is a good teaching tool.  It can, however, become annoying, especially if you want to rely on your ability rather than be guided by a program.  You can turn either or both of them off, and you can do so just for this one board or as your chosen default.  At the bottom of the board where you were playing the hand, click on “options” to display the selection page.  Should you want this as your preferred method of play, click “save as default” at the bottom.  You can always change your selections by re-opening “options”.

f. Now play the hand.  Click on the card you select as the opening lead; its box now turns blue and the next hand to play is highlighted.  Notice only the cards permissible to be played (as in following suit) are highlighted.  Continue playing until all tricks are played.  Tricks won by each partnership are shown at top right.  You can halt play by hitting “stop” and, if you wish, start play again using a different contract.

g. Contract and score comparisons: to get out of Play it again, click the “x” at the top right and return to your earlier comparison page.  Below the board notice the box that shows what every pair bid/made (or not) on the board in view.  The one highlighted in yellow will be the one you last chose when setting up the comparison.

h. A wonderful use of this Play it again tool:  partnership solidarity is built, in part, by communication.  Better communication often evolves out of practicing together.  Why not arrange a phone appointment with the partner with whom you played a session (and with whom you choose to play again) to go over the boards of that session.  You are in your home and your partner is home.  Each logs in and pulls up “Results” for the session of interest.  Each opens “Scorecards” and you begin to replay some of your boards discovering how you developed the hand on offense or how you defended against your opponents.

The Matrix Tab:

This page shows each board played by each pair, the matchpoints awarded on each board and the total matchpoints made by every pair.  If there are 7 pairs, a top board is awarded 6 matchpoints (in most situations), since a pair cannot be awarded a matchpoint as if it played against itself.

If on a board a pair scores 4 matchpoints, they outscored their 4 opposing pairs.  For every pair outscored one matchpoint is awarded. For every pair equally scored one/half a matchpoint is awarded.  No point is awarded if a pair outscores them.

Example:  Board 1, played by 5 pairs (suppose in N/S compass direction);

Pair 1 = 3S in N making 3

Pair 2 = 4S in S down 1

Pair 3 = 4S in N making 4

Pair 4 = 4S in S making 4

Pair 5 (YOU) = 4S in S making 5

Your pair had the best result by outscoring all four opponents; you receive 4 matchpoints on this board (a “top board”).  Pair 3 and Pair 4 tied (1/2 point each) and outscored pairs 1 and 2 (1 point each) so each receives 2 ½ matchpoints.  Pair 1 outscored Pair 2 and receives 1 matchpoint.  Pair 2 did not tie or outscore any pair, so they receive 0 matchpoints (a “bottom board”).

The Travelers Tab:

This reveals each board plus contract results.


The hand records.  The page that opens shows options for display, emailing, printing size and uploading.  Should you want to view/print them in the usual fashion, use ‘1. show on this page’ and click “show here”.  NOTE: you might have to resize this display in order for the hand records to fit on one page.