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The Anniversary Cup -Friday September 13 

Congratulations to Jean Cotterill and John Soper

on their splendid result.













Bridge Lessons



Need a Partner?

If you need a partner, either sign the list against a date or contact Meg preferably by email - or on 01684 304199 or 07711784225, she will do her best to make a match. 

Committee 2023-2024

President - Jenny Steel

Chairman - Mike Barrett

Secretary - Meg Wilkinson

Treasurer - Mark Walder 

Other Committee members - John Soper, Nick Bridges, Diana Davies 



Constitution of the Bredon Bridge Club



Bredon Bridge Club


  1. Affiliations.

    1. Bredon Bridge Club is a member of the English Bridge Union (EBU) affiliated to the Worcestershire Contract Bridge Association (WCBA)


  1. Membership

    1. Membership is open to all bridge players, unless objected to by at least three members.

    1. Any person wishing to become a member of the Club shall complete a Membership Application Form, available from the Secretary.

    1. All Applicants must be proposed and seconded by existing members who should sign the Application form accordingly. The Application will be exhibited on the Club notice board for two weeks. Any member wishing to object should notify the Secretary in writing. If no objections are notified the Applicant will be duly elected by decision of the Committee.

    1. A member whose subscription has not been paid shall cease to be a member after a period of three months from the date when the subscription was due.

    1. A former member who wishes to re-join may do so without the necessity for a further formal Application, upon agreement by the Committee, following an informal request and payment of subscription.

    1. “Active Members” are those who attend at least 50% of playing sessions

  1. Officers

    1. The Officers of the Club shall be the President, Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer.

    1. Each of the Officers, (apart from the President), shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club. They shall retire at the ensuing AGM but shall be eligible for re-election. They must be Active Members of the Club.

    1. In the event of an Officer vacancy arising during the year the Committee shall co-opt a Member to fill such vacancy until the next AGM.

  1. Committee

    1. The Committee shall consist of the Officers together with at least three other Members who shall be elected at the AGM. They shall retire at the ensuing AGM but shall be available for re-election. They must be Active Members of the Club.

    1.  The Committee may from time to time co-opt further members to serve until the ensuing AGM, whether to fill a vacancy or as additional members, except that the total number of members (including Officers) shall at no time exceed eight.

    1. All non-officer members must be prepared to undertake tasks/ duties as discussed and agreed by the Chairman.

    1.  A quorum shall be three members including at least one Officer.

  1. General meetings

    1. An AGM shall be held each year no later than four months after the end of the financial year (31st July).

    1. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be convened by the Committee if a request for such a meeting signed by at least ten members is delivered to the Secretary, stating the reason for the request. Such meeting shall take place within one month of the receipt of the request.

    1. An EGM may be convened by the Committee at any time.

    1. Notice of all General meetings shall be given to members no later then two weeks prior to the date fixed for the meeting.

    1. Any member may propose a motion to be discussed at a General Meeting provided that written notice is delivered to the Secretary no later then one week prior to the date fixed for the meeting.

    1. Nominations for the posts of Officers or Committee Members shall be in writing, and shall be signed by a proposer and seconder and by the person nominated.

  1. Subscriptions

    1. Each Member shall pay an annual subscription, the amount of which shall be decided at an AGM. Subscriptions shall be due by 1st September in respect of the year to the following 31st August.

    1. Each Member, and each guest, shall pay table money on each occasion he/she plays at the Club. The amount to be paid will be decided by the Committee and may be reviewed from time to time.

  1. Accounts

    1. The Committee shall arrange for accounts to be prepared for each year ending 31st July. The accounts are to be presented at the AGM for approval.

  1. Guests and Visitors

    1. Non-members may play at the Club, paying table money at the rate, decided by the Committee, in force at the time.

  1. Conduct

    1. Members and visitors are expected to behave in a reasonable and courteous manner .Persistent bad behaviour will, after reasonable warnings, result in a Committee decision to expel the person concerned.

  1. Alterations to this Constitution

    1. No alterations shall be made to this Constitution except at a General Meeting of the Club. At least two thirds of those present at the Meeting must be in favour of any alteration proposed.

  1. Competitions

    1. Competitions shall be conducted in accordance with the Club’s Competition Rules which are displayed on the Club’s website. These Rules may be amended by the Committee from time to time as they see fit. They do not form part of this Constitution.

  1. Winding Up

    1. Any decision to wind up the Club can only be made by a two thirds majority of members at a properly constituted General Meeting.
    2. In the event of such a decision, after all creditors have been paid and assets disposed of, any residual monies shall be distributed to a local amenity, or amenities, in need of funds, selected by the Committee.

  1. Constitution Interpretation

    1. The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of this Constitution.