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Many congratulations to Karen, one of our newest members, who has won the Individual Competition. Also, many thanks to Hilary for directing this competition.

The Anniversary Cup -Friday September 13 

Congratulations to Jean Cotterill and John Soper

on their splendid result.













Bridge Lessons



Need a Partner?

If you need a partner, either sign the list against a date or contact Meg preferably by email - or on 01684 304199 or 07711784225, she will do her best to make a match. 

Committee 2023-2024

President - Jenny Steel

Chairman - Mike Barrett

Secretary - Meg Wilkinson

Treasurer - Mark Walder 

Other Committee members - John Soper, Nick Bridges, Diana Davies 



Good behaviour
Good Behaviour Guidelines

Good behaviour at the table

Our members enjoy bridge, and the courteous way it is played.

Bredon Bridge Club takes pride in its friendly atmosphere, and this guide sets out the high standards that our players expect of each other and of visitors, even when difficult situations at the table impose extra pressures.  Bredon members and visitors should therefore:

  • Greet others in a friendly manner before playing each round and treat others with courtesy throughout bridge sessions.
  • Give credit to partners or opponents for a good bid or play, and not gloat over their own.
  • Not criticise partners or opponents in public.
  • Consider other players by completing boards at a reasonable tempo, ensuring mobile phones are turned off, and avoiding loud conversation when other tables are in play.
  • Take every reasonable care to ensure that boards are played according to instructions and that travellers are completed accurately.
  • Call the director as soon as problems arise, even if players at the table suggest remedies.  Do not instruct others what they can do.  It is the director’s primary role to safeguard the fair interests of all, not to impose penalties.
  • Respect opponents’ rights to call directors and honour directors’ decisions.  On the rare occasions that directors’ decisions are challenged, this should not be done publicly, but through the review process specified in the club constitution.
  • As in all regulated games, rules allow sanctions against unacceptable behaviour.  A summary can be seen on the EBU section of this website.

As a guest in Bredon’s Norton, please leave the hall quietly and have regard for residents.