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Birthday Celebration August 16th 2004

AGM - August 23rd 2004


Bridge Lessons



Need a Partner?

If you need a partner, either sign the list against a date or contact Meg preferably by email - or on 01684 304199 or 07711784225, she will do her best to make a match. 

Committee 2023-2024

President - Jenny Steel

Chairman - Mike Barrett

Secretary - Meg Wilkinson

Treasurer - Mark Walder 

Other Committee members - John Soper, Nick Bridges, Diana Davies 



Privacy Policy
Club Privacy Policy

Bredon Bridge Club Privacy Policy

Why does the Club collect personal data?

Bredon Bridge Club collects personal data for its purpose as a membership organisation.  The data we collect is mainly contact information - telephone numbers and e-mail addresses - so that members can communicate with each other.

The Club also collects data for new members on behalf of the English Bridge Union (EBU) to which the Club is affiliated.  This is to provide members with access to EBU services and to allow us to pass on members’ scores to the EBU.  This enables the EBU to maintain Masterpoints and their grades under the National Grading Scheme (NGS) on a national and regional basis.  Members can opt out of receiving EBU services and can choose to be an “anonymous” member of the EBU – known only via their EBU membership number.

For some data relating to the Club's financial affairs, personal data may be required to comply with the requirements of our banking provider.  After complying with the requests from our bank, the Club will not retain the personal data collected for these purposes.

Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations surrounding personal data?

Under the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) the Club is exempt from registering with the Information Commissioner’s Office since there is an exemption for organisations that only store personal data for recreational purposes.  The Club Committee Members are jointly responsible for ensuring that the club is compliant with the GDPR.  The Club will appoint a member of its committee - to be known as the Membership Secretary - to have primary responsibility for maintaining and protecting the Club’s membership records including member contact data.

What information is collected by the Club?

We ask members for a contact method so that other members and the Club can communicate with them.  This is usually a telephone number but could be instead, or in addition, an e-mail address. 

For new members, who are not already members of the EBU, the Club asks for contact details including a postal address to pass to the EBU.  The new member can opt to not provide this information.  Contact details collected from new members will be passed to the EBU as part of the process of enrolling the new member with the EBU.

New members who are already members of the EBU will be asked for their EBU membership number.

We also collect personal contact data (telephone number, e-mail address) for people that we deal with on a regular basis for the running of the Club’s events.  This data is restricted to only those members that need the information and is not stored on our website.

We do not maintain any contact data for visitors to our Bridge sessions except for the purposes of managing the sessions that the visitor attends (e.g. for the Director or Scorer to contact the visitor in case of any disputes regarding a session).  We will send the visitor details of how to join the Club if they request this from the Club Secretary.  We will ask visitors for their EBU numbers so that their results can be passed to the EBU for the awarding of Masterpoints.

More information may be required for members of the Club’s committee in connection with changes to the club’s bank account.  This could include:  title, given names, surname, previous surnames, date of birth, nationality, country of residence, home telephone number, mobile telephone number, e-mail address, residential address, years at this address, other accounts (if any) held with the Club’s bank (Santander).  For new cheque signatories on the Club’s bank account there may also be the need to supply proofs of identity: passport, driving licence, utility bills.  When the information is collected members will be able to indicate that their data should only be used for identity and fraud protection purposes.  The Club does not retain the information after it is passed to our bank.

How is members’ personal data used by the Club?

The Club provides a Bridge partner-matching service via telephone or e-mail addresses.

Members of the Club’s committee use e-mail to communicate agendas, minutes and to identify issues that need to be addressed. 

The telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of the Chair and Secretary of the Club are published on the Club’s website to enable non-members to contact the Club.  In addition, the telephone number of one member is published to provide access to the partner-matching service.

The Club is affiliated with the English Bridge Union (EBU) and all new members are automatically enrolled with the EBU.  Membership of the EBU enables the member to receive a free monthly magazine, an annual diary and to be included in EBU Masterpoint rankings and NGS grade listings.

The Treasurer of the Club provides their residential address and e-mail address as the main contact address for the Club’s bank account and for receipt of suppliers’ invoices

Individual members may hold their own personal records of other members' contact details.  Members are asked not to pass on contact details of other members to non-members or third party organisations, without the permission of the member.

The Club publishes the results of its regular Bridge events on the Club website in a publicly accessible area.  Members names and their Bridge partners are displayed along with details of their results.  This may include the name of any visiting players who are not members of the Club.  In addition, the names of director and scorer of each event is published on our website.  Our website is maintained and hosted by our processing partner Bridgewebs.

The Club publishes the details for its competitions on the website; this will show the name of the member and their performance throughout the competition.  The names of the people that win our competitions are published on our website; we may also publish photographs of the winners receiving their award. The Club may publish photographs of members at special events held through the year e.g. Christmas, Club Anniversary.  Members can indicate to the Membership Secretary that they do not wish to appear in any photographs published on the website.

We provide a limited amount of data (name, EBU number) for use by processing partners (Bridgewebs, EBU) to ensure that members’ results are correctly attributed to them.  We also do this for visiting players if they provide us with their EBU number.

For some competitions organised across multiple Bridge Clubs, details of those participating (name, EBU number) are passed to third parties.  In some cases, members involved in organising the competition on behalf of the Club will need to provide their personal contact details (e-mail address, telephone number) to third parties.

Agendas and minutes are produced for all our Club committee meetings.  These documents will list the names of committee members.  The minutes may also include the names of members.  We publish the agenda and minutes to committee members; this is usually done via e-mail to all committee members only.  Occasionally the Club committee minutes will be sent to other members or to the Club’s bank.  The bank uses the minutes as part of the authorisation of changes affecting the signatories on the bank account. 

The Club will not provide members' personal contact details to any other person or organisation not indicated above, even if connected with Bridge, without the express permission of the individual member.

Each year the Club publishes an annual membership card.  The membership card includes the contact details for the Chair and Secretary of the Club and the telephone numbers of each member.  A copy of the annual membership card is provided to each member after payment of their annual subscription.  Members can choose an opt-out option in their membership record held on the Club’s website; choosing this option will mean that their contact details will not appear on the annual membership card.  The Club can make this change on behalf of the member if requested via the Membership Secretary.

If we are given contact details for a visitor, we will only share this with members of the Club and then only on a need-to-know basis (e.g. to allow the Director or Scorer for a session to contact the visitor).  The contact details for the visitor will not be stored by the Club.

Where e-mails are sent by the Club all recipients will be blind-copied in the e-mail to avoid revealing the e-mail address of the member to an unauthorised person or organisation.  Members will be asked to follow the same practice.  If necessary, recipients of the e-mail should be listed, by name only, in the content of the e-mail message.

How is members’ personal data used by other organisations?

The EBU use the members’ residential addresses to post paper copies of the EBU’s monthly magazine and annual diary.  The EBU also uses the members’ e-mail addresses to post the electronic version of the EBU magazine.  Members can opt out of receiving the paper version of the EBU magazine and the annual diary – details on how to do this are provided later in this document.

The EBU maintains a membership list online.  This membership list contains details of the contact data provided by the member including, where provided, their home addresses.  Members can view their own record via their personal account on the MyEBU website; this is controlled via password.  Using this personal account each member can select options to allow the Club to view, or view and amend, their personal data on the EBU membership list.  For some members, where the member has not limited the permissions on the MyEBU website, the Club can view the member’s contact details; and for a smaller number of members the Club is able to amend the details on the EBU membership list.

The EBU receives the results from the Club’s Bridge events and uses this data to assign Masterpoints to individual members.  The EBU also updates the Masterpoint rankings and the NGS grade for each member.  Masterpoint rankings and NGS grades are published on the EBU website with the members’ names, EBU numbers and county of affiliation.   Masterpoint ranks and NGS grades for each member are available on a publicly accessible website.  Members can set options on the MyEBU website so that their results are displayed but with no name shown.

For some competitions organised by third parties, the member’s performance in the competition is passed to the third party along with member’s name and EBU number.

Members’ results are passed to the EBU via our processing partner Bridgewebs.

How is members’ personal data stored by the Club?

The personal data provided by members is collected on membership application forms.  The application form will be designed to collect the new member’s personal contact details separately from the application to join the Club.  As per the Club’s constitution, the new member’s application to join the Club will be displayed on the Club’s noticeboard for a period of at least two weeks before the application process is completed.  The information posted on the noticeboard will not include the member’s contact details.

After completion of the application process, the entry of the member’s contact data on the Club’s member database and, where necessary the passing of new member contact data to the EBU, the application form is shredded.  Access to the contact data on the Club’s member database is restricted to the website administrator, the Membership Secretary and the Treasurer.  The Treasurer maintains a record of members’ payment of their annual subscription in this secure area.  Access to the member database is controlled via a secure password.

The member’s own personal data on the Club’s website can be maintained by the member via the member’s personal account on the website.  Access to the member’s account is controlled by a password set by the member.  The personal data can also be updated by appointed members of the Club’s committee including the Treasurer.  Access to the member database is controlled via a secure password.

Individual members may hold their own personal list of other members’ contact details.  This may be done via paper or electronic records and may include storage on the individual member’s internet storage. Members are asked to not share this information to persons or organisations outside the Club without first seeking the permission of the member.  Members are also asked to ensure that they store members' personal data, obtained from the Club, in a secure way.

As documented above, members’ performance in Bridge events and competitions are published on our website in a publicly accessible area.  Similarly photographs of members may appear on our website.

How can members check what data the Club has about them?

Members can access the member database on the Club’s website via their own account on the website controlled via a password.  Members can also ask for a copy of the data held on the Club’s website via a request to the Membership Secretary.

How can people ask for their data to be removed, limited or corrected?

Members can update their own information held on the Club’s website via their own personal account on the website.  Alternatively, members can ask the Membership Secretary to make changes on their behalf, if this is possible.

Members can request that their personal contact details do not appear on the annual membership card.  This can be done via their personal account on the Club’s website.  Alternatively, they can ask the Membership Secretary for this opt out to be set on the database on their behalf.

Members and former members can request that their name does not appear in the Club event results.  The member will only be represented by their EBU number.  This will not be applied retrospectively to the Club’s historical records.

Members can also ask, via the Club Secretary, that all members correct, limit or delete their own personal records containing the contact details for the member.

Members and visitors can ask that no photographs in which they appear are placed on the Club website.  The Club will make every effort to avoid photographs including the member from appearing on the website.  Members and visitors can ask for any photographs to be removed from the website in which they appear.

New members who are not members of the EBU can indicate on their Club application form that they want to remain anonymous in the EBU Masterpoint rankings and NGS grade lists.  In a similar way, new members can also choose to not provide their contact details to the EBU; this will limit the services that the EBU can provide to the member – in particular, members will not receive the monthly EBU magazine.  

Existing members of the EBU can remove their personal contact details and select opt-out options on the MyEBU website using their personal account.  The member can also choose to become an “anonymous” member.  The Club can help members to do this.  Removing contact details from the MyEBU website will mean that the member will no longer receive the EBU monthly magazine or the annual EBU diary.  If the member chooses to be “anonymous” their names will not appear in the EBU Masterpoint rankings or in NGS Grade lists (“name withheld” is used instead).

How long does the Club keep member data for?

We will delete any former member’s contact details three months after they cease to be members of the Club. 

A former member’s past playing record, historical ranking lists and competition prize lists will be retained for the Club’s archives.

Former members may be named in past Club committee minutes.  These minutes will not be amended to delete the former member’s name.

What happens if a member dies?

We will delete a member’s contact details after they die.  

We will continue to show the deceased member’s results on our website.

Can members download their data to use it elsewhere?

Members can take a screenshot of their personal contact details stored in our Club website.

Members can download results data from all Bridge sessions stored on the Club’s website.