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The Anniversary Cup -Friday September 13 

Congratulations to Jean Cotterill and John Soper

on their splendid result.













Bridge Lessons



Need a Partner?

If you need a partner, either sign the list against a date or contact Meg preferably by email - or on 01684 304199 or 07711784225, she will do her best to make a match. 

Committee 2023-2024

President - Jenny Steel

Chairman - Mike Barrett

Secretary - Meg Wilkinson

Treasurer - Mark Walder 

Other Committee members - John Soper, Nick Bridges, Diana Davies 



Competition rules
This page contains details on the club competititions and the rules and eligibility to Play and Win Prizes in Simultaneous Pairs and Club Competitions
  Joint Winners

In the event of a tie in Club Competitions, the individual or pair with the greatest number of 'tops' shall be deemed the winner. In circumstances when teams tie, the result will be decided on the points scored against each other. In the event of a continuing tie, the Committee will examine the score sheets and select a winner by the most equitable parameters available.

  Simultaneous Pairs

Simultaneous Pairs events are played only on Club Nights (Fridays) and are for Club members only.

  Club Competitions

Unless stated below, all paid-up members playing with another member qualify for all Club Competitions, whether or not they are playing with their regular partner. Where a partnership has not played prior to a one-off competition, the mean of the two players' averages will apply.

Where a partnership has played less than 3 times the scoring software will take the mean of the two players' averages.

Unless stated below, a member will qualify for a competition provided he/she has played at least once in the past 12 months.

Participation in Club Competition sessions is open to non-members but they will not be eligible to win prizes and non-members will negate eligibility of the member(s) they are partnering.This statement assumes that there is space available for non-members.

Pairs having non-members will not be shown in the handicap  table.

Rules of  Competitions played at Bredon Bridge Club.

The Tulloch Trophy H ....This celebrates the good times that Adam gave us during his time as a member of Bredon Bridge Club.This is a Handicap Competition played on an evening in November.  

Bredon Pairs Cup  G (Eves) .... This is normally played on the last Friday prior to the Easter break and the winning pair will qualify to enter the WCBA Club Championship pairs

Anniversary Cup G ....  This event is played towards the end of August to celebrate the formation of Bredon Bridge Club in 1998

Teams of Four H...  This will be played in May or as soon thereafter as we have a suitable number of tables. A listing of player/pair averages will be generated by the Scorer a week before the calendar date. The top players will be allocated a table and their partners will be allocated on a bottom to top basis from the remaining pairs present. 

Bredon Individual Cup G ....  This event will be scheduled to be played in late September/early October.

Scorers Championship Pairs Trophy Cumulative G .... This competition runs throughout the calendar year and all pairs events held during the year will be included in the calculation. There is a minimum number of 10 qualifying rounds for a partnership to be eligible for this competition.

Scorers Cup H .... As for the gross competition, there is a minimum of 10 qualifying rounds for a partnership to be eligible. The handicaps to apply will be calculated and added/deducted at the end of each calendar month. This ensures that the handicap truly reflects the pairs playing performance at any given time in the calendar year.

The qualifying handicap period for all handicap competitions is one year immediately previous to the event.

In the event that both Scorers Cups are won by the same Pair then the Handicap Cup will be presented to the runner up in that competition.

The letters G and H after the title of the competition denote either a Gross or Handicap Competition

Slammer of the Year ...This is an Individual Competition running throughout the year.

These rules are dated 14 July 2017 and were approved by the club at the AGM dated Friday 11th August 2017.  The club also approved the motion that Competition Rules be incorporated in the Constitution, therefore they may only be amended subject to approval at an AGM or EGM

Rules amended 11th February.2022 to reduce the qualifying rounds of Scorers/Championship Trophy and Scorer's Cup from 15 to 10 after EGM and vote by  Club Members