Wednesday 21st August 2024 - Wrong Boards |
Due to the Rothley Centre being closed for three consecutive Mondays in August due no caretaker being available, we dealt and delivered three weeks worth of boards for Wednesdays.
Unfortunately, on Wednesday 21st August the Director picked up the wrong boards that had been played two weeks prior. The first time the Director was aware that we had an issue was after the scores had been published when a player contacted us to say that hands on the web site did not match the travellers.
We investigated and found that the boards that we played that afternoon were the same boards as 7th August.
There is a precedence that if none of the players realised during the session that these boards had been played before then we would let the scores stand. That was our initial assumption. However it have come to light that some players did recognise this during the session (even though the Director wasn't informed). Because some players have recognised the board, they have an unfair advantage over other player. So we have no choice to void the results.
This week was part of the Summer Pairs and Summer Pairs 9-High competitions. It is club policy that for competitions that are best four scores over a three month period that we do not extend the competition if there are weeks that we don't play or weeks that we don't get a score, provided we reach a minimum of ten weeks. So this year's Wednesday Summer competitions will now be over eleven weeks.
Note that when Christmas Day falls on a Wednesday then the Winter Pairs, which is the best four scores in December, January and February, will only be played over eleven weeks.
In summary:
- The results will not count towards the Summer Pairs and Summer Pairs 9-High competitions
- The results will not be uploaded to the EBU for NGS and Masterpoint purposed
- The Summer Pairs and Summer Pairs 9-High competitions will not be extended and will finish on Wednesday 28th August
23rd August 2024
Wednesday Pairs - 8th May - Wrong Boards |
On Mondays, Steve delivers the Wednesday boards and collects the boards used the previous week. On a normal week there is only one set of boards in the cupboards. But on a bank holiday week there is no bridge on the Monday so Steve delivers two sets on the Monday before. However, the cupboard can only fit one set of boards, which means that we have to put the other set in a different cupboard.
Unfortunately, the Tournament Director forgot it was a bank holiday Monday this week and didn't check the other cupboard. They mistakenly picked up last boards from last week and used those. However, some players recognised the hands which means they had an unfair advantage.
The consequence is that we will not submit the results to the EBU for NGS and Masterpoints.
8th May 2024
Wednesday Pairs - 13th December - Movement Problems |
When the movement was set and play had started, the TD thought that there was a half table. But it turned out that it was just a player without a partner.
The option of resetting the movement wasn't available as the auctions had started at numerous tables. Technically we could have reset it, but it would have meant a hand shuffle and redeal of all the boards.
The original movement was a 11.5 table with a skip after 6 rounds.
The options were
- Reset the movement, including hand shuffling and redealing all the boards
- Keep the movement and have a N/S and E/W sitout
- Move the players at table 12 to the now vacant table 5. Remove boards 23 and 24 and play a normal 11 table movement
- Remove table 5 and it's boards (9 and 10) and play a normal 11 table movement.
Ideally option 3 is the best, but the TD went with option 4. This worked but caused a problem when we came to score it as the computer couldn't handle having 11 tables numbered 1 to 4 and 6 to 12, with 22 boards numbered 1 to 8 and 11 to 24.
So we had to renumber the the tables 6 to 12 to be 5 to 11, and the boards 11 to 24 to be 9 to 22.
So if you thought you were pairs 6 and 26 that started at table 6, then you get renumbered to 5 and 25 starting at table 5. Similarly the boards 11 and 12 that you played were renumbered to 9 and 10 when we entered them into the computer.
Every traveller is correct, including the vulnerablility, but they are just scored against the wrong number. But it does mean the overall score is correct.
As for the hand records, we couldn't adjust them. If you are looking at board 15 on the Website, then that was originally board 17 when it was played. So the hand record for hand 17 is the correct hand record.
Confused? Just be glad you didn't have to sort it out.
Latest Results
14th December 2023
Monday Pairs - 4th December - Score Correction |
On board 26, Sylvia/Steve v Steve/Phil, the contract was 4S making 10 tricks. This was incorrectly entered as 1 trick. The score has now been adjusted and republished.
Latest Results
11th December 2023
Wednesday Pairs - 29th November - TD Ruling |
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On board 19, there was a hesitation followed by a bid. Hesitation is not a crime, but it can lead to thier partner having unauthorised information (aka unfair information). If that happens then their partner cannot take advantage of that information when deciding what to bid. If they do, and this leads to a good score then the director will cancel the table score and give an adjusted score instead.
Upon reviewing, it wasn't clear what the reason was for the hesitation, thus we ended up with conflicting possibilities for the unauthorised information. In those circumstances, their partner is free to bid what they like - they can't be accused of taking advantage if we don't know what they are taking advantage of.
Thus the ruling is that the table result should stand.
Steve Wright - Senior Tournament Director - 29th November 2023
Wednesday Pairs - 15th November - Score Correction |
At the end of round 1, the boards from table 1 should have moved to the sit-out table (table 12) and the boards from the sit-out table should have moved to table 11. However the boards from table 1 moved to table 11, and the boards from the sit-out table didn't move.
This was detected at the start of round 3, and the board movement was corrected. Where possible results were retained, but it did lead to Linda MacFarlane and Jennifer Parker playing boards 23 and 24 for a second time (albeit against different opponents). Not surprisingly, they got a better score the second time they played it. But the Laws state that if a board is accidently played twice, then the second score is void. We have since adjusted the travellers to match.
Further correction: Mon, 11th December
We didn't quite get the travellers correct as there were more scoreds that needed voiding due to E/W having played the boards multiple times. The ful list of voided results are
- Boards 1 and 2 - Mary/Tony v Rosemary/Ted
- Boards 1 and 2 - Monica/Brenda v Jenny/Peter
- Boards 23 and 24 - Mark/Kerry v Linda/Jennifer
15th November 2023
Monday Pairs - 27th November - Score Correction |
On the skip round, Paula and Judith didn't skip, and Susie and Sandra skipped two tables. This led to them playing the wrong boards on round 8. We moved them to the correct tables for round 9.
Because they moved to the wrong tables it meant that they boards that they did play on round 8 were boards they had played earlier. The scores for playing the board for the second time have to be cancelled. These were replaced with average minus for both North/South and East/West. East/West were obviously at fault because they moved to the wrong table, but North/South were also at fault as they are responsible for checking the names of their opponents on the Bridgemates.
27th November 2023
Wednesday Pairs - 1st November - Score Correction |
A mistake was made when entering the scores for board 5, where one result was omitted. This has the effect of shuffling up all the results for the pairs below on the traveller, assigning the subsequent scores to the wrong pairs.
The results on the Bradgate and EBU websites have both now been corrected to reflect this.
Latest Results
3rd November 2023
Wednesday Pairs - 26th July - Scoring Issues |
There was a board movement mistake at the end of round 1. Instead of moving to the next table, boards 1 & 2 remained on the sit-out table and were leap-frogged by board 3 & 4. Once we confirmed that all the scores and pair numbers on the travellers were a true reflection of what happened at the tables it was just a question of how to get the scoring program to accept the travellers with the new pair numebrs, plus the fact that boards 3 & 4 were played one more time than the scoring program expected.
We think we have achieved this. The new results have been uploaded to BridgeWebs and to the EBU.
Steve Wright - Tournament Secretary - 14th August 2023
Wednesday Pairs - 31st May - Score Correction |
Following yesterday's Wednesday pairs, TD Sarah has contacted the EBU for clarification on the scoring to be applied when a player leaves early. In accordance with Law 12, a 60/40 score has been awarded. Also a score on Board 17 has been amended.
The results on the Bradgate and EBU websites have both now been corrected to reflect this.
Latest Results
1st June 2023
9-High Winter Pairs - Result Correction |
Thanks to John Dignan for point out that we'd got some rogue dates for the 9-High Winter Pairs competition. These have been corrected, and the results are now:
- David Mee & Sue Sanderson
- Andy Sathertwaite & Jim Wilinson
- Gail Tillen & Terry Stevenson
Full Results
25th May 2023
The wrong deal file was uploaded for the BBO section when the results were posted. This has now been replaced with the correct deal file. We have checked the hands against the travellers on BBO to ensure that they are the correct ones.
Steve Wright - Tournament Secretary - 7th April 2022
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On Table 6 Pink Section (Steve Francis/Linda Macfarlane v Sarah Gilbert/Lynda Dunn) this was incorrectly entered into the Bridgemates as 4♥-9 and accepted. This went unnoticed until after the session had finished. This is clearly wrong as everybody else is making at least 10 tricks. Steve has subsequently informed me that he thinks the correct contract was 4♥+1. It looks like North attempted to enter +1 for the number of tricks instead of 11. The Bridgemate interpretted this as 1 trick. As the score for 4♥-9 is -450 and the score for 4♥+1 is +450, we presume that E/W just saw the 450 and accepted the score. The corrected score has now been published.
Steve Wright - Tournament Secretary - 18th November 2019
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On Table 2 Pink Section (Barrie Parker/John Summerhayes v Michael Ellerby/Brian Stockdale) this was incorrectly entered into the Bridgemates as 3♠ -6 and accepted. This went unnoticed until after the session had finished. This is clearly wrong as everybody else is making at least 9 tricks. Brian has subsequently informed me that he thinks the correct contract was 3♠ making 9 tricks. The corrected score has now been published.
Steve Wright - Tournament Secretary - 11th November 2019