Here are the answers. Further down, the 'restored' sentences are listed.
4 angst
5 emus
8 devote
9 Nissan
13 eggnog
14 sable
15 onrush
16 amen
1 rave
2 igloos
3 stye
6 merge
7 shun
8 dingo
10 strum
11 arson
12 zap
13 elf
Here are the restored sentences:
4 Kids hANG STockings on Christmas Eve.
5 If he gets out of linE MUSk will be told 'You're fired!'
8 What on Earth maDE VOTErs elect Trump?
9 An elf once told me that giN IS SANta's favourite tipple
13 Sorry, GrEGG NO Gift from the DG this Xmas [Yes, he does spell his name like that]
14 He haS A BLEnded scotch, while she prefers a single malt
15 Who'd work at AmazON RUSHing from door to door all day long?
16 A pantomime dAME Needs lots of makup and big hair
1 Cooking foR A VEgan on Xmas Day? Try a cheestnut roast
2 You wanna look like Santa, you wanna bIG LOOSe costume!
3 2024 the beST YEar ever? Only for Syrians, maybe
6 Change? Plan for change? Come on, StarMER GEton with it!
7 Happy XmaS HUNter, papa Joe [Hunter Biden was pardoned by his father Joe a couple of weeks before Christmas]
8 Crazy weather it's either flooDING Or wildfires!
10 Who's this bad asS TRUMp's appointed as Health supremo?
11 Will Elon fly to MARS? ONe hopes so!
12 In GaZA Pleas for a ceasefire still go unheard, a year on.
13 Would you buy a used car from NigEL Farage? Nor me.