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How to Obtain a BBO User Name
For new to BBO Players - How to Obtain a BBO User Name

You can register for free on the Bridge Base Online (BBO) website.  Register a User Name (like a nickname or short form name) and please make sure you specify a password that is completely different to those you use for Banking etc 

Please watch the following video which takes you through how to obtain a new Bridge Base Online (BBO) User Name: 
 How to Create a new BBO User Name

Then, please go to the Bridge Base Online website: and click on Play Bridge Now and then click on Become a member (free!) and follow the steps as specified in the video.

Please make sure that you make a note of both your BBO User Name and password!

Once you have obtained a BBO User Name, and have been able to log in successfully to BBO using this User Name, register your details on the Bordon website:

Select the Menu Option which says 'BBO User Name Registration', and fill out your details, so that you can be included to play in the Bordon Bridge Club duplicate sessions on BBO.