Bookham Afternoon Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Guide to Online bridge
A Guide to Online Bridge at Bookham

This section provides a guide to everything you need to know to play bridge online.

FOUR STEPS to playing online at Bookham

1.  ► Register with Bridge Base Online (BBO)

2.  Tell Neil your User Name so that you can be added to the list of players who can play in the  virtual club (email

3.  ► Buy BBO currency to pay the table money

4.  ► Join a session on a Monday and/or Thursday afternoon, starting at 1 pm  (You must register by 12.50 pm)


Tips on Abbreviations | Alerting | Confirming bids and cards | Greeting opponents | Your profile | Results | Review Auction | Robots | Strangers at the table | Undos  (Latest vesion 3 August)

Guide - Director; Alerts  Calling the Director; alerting bids, explaing bids, asking for an explanation of a bid.

► Guide - The Partnership Desk (1 June) Finding a partner for a session

► Guide - Some problems that may occur  Problems that may arise when playing in a BABC session - disconnection; half-tables

► Guide - Hand Records BBO holds very extensive records of the hands that are played.  You can see the hands played in your session and the Traveller for each hand.

► EBU RegulationsThe EBU has recently issued the Sky-Blue Book, a supplement to the Blue Book and White Book for online bridge.  I would encourage you to have a quick read since there are a number of differences from playing face to face.

IT'S GOOD TO TALK  We all miss a friendly chat across the table at Bookham.  But we can still keep in touch.

Guide - Names and communication  Friends, sending messages to friends and to the table, identifying players at the table.

► BBO User Names   You can see a list of Members' BBO User Names here (Updated 18 Jan)

► Guide - A table for four (v 4Jun)  You can arrange your own games.  A guide to setting up a table. 

Partner Message Board  If you are looking for a Partner for a Monday or Thursday club session, you can use this message board to find a partner.

More INFORMATION about online bridge

There are very clear Youtube videos about how to join, play and enjoy online bridge using the BBO system which can be accessed at  We are grateful to Paul Gibson who has agreed to share these videos with our members.