Proposed Amendment to Constitution Rule 7 |
It is proposed that the current Rule 7 of the Constitution is amended.
Rule 7 currently states:
"The entrance fee and annual subscription shall be payable on admission to membership. Members elected after 1st May in any one year shall be required to pay one half of the subscription for that year. Entrance fees and annual subscriptions shall be submitted by the Committee at the A.G.M. Annual subscriptions shall fall due for payment on 1st November for the year commencing on that date, and membership shall automatically cease for those not paying within six weeks from that date. Table monies shall be decided by the Committee as may be necessary.”
As we no longer charge an entrance fee and reduced the membership fee two years ago this needs to be amended as follows:
"Rule 7. The annual subscription shall be payable on admission to membership irrespective of when in the year the member joins as there is no entrance/joining fee for new members. Annual subscriptions shall be submitted by the Committee at the A.G.M. Annual subscriptions shall fall due for payment on 1st November for the year commencing on that date, and membership shall automatically cease for those not paying within six weeks from that date. Table monies shall be decided by the Committee as may be necessary."
Proposer: Sue Moss
Seconder: Lawrence Penney