Bookham Afternoon Bridge Club.
Chairman’s Report 5th October 2017.
It has been a pleasure to have serve as Chairman over the last year and I am pleased to have been nominated for a third year. I understand that the past practice of the club was that the Chairman is rotated after three years so you should be electing a new Chairman next year.
I would like to thank all members of the committee and other members of the club for the support they have given to me and the club.
Most of the work for the day to day running of the club fall to the three main office holders. The Club secretary, Kate Castree, The Club treasurer, Sue Moss and the Co-ordinator of the Directors and Scorers, Sandra Cape.
In a small change of format this year I am going to ask Kate to speak directly to you on membership issues arising during the year and Sandra to speak on issue relating to our directors and scorers, our computer system and the new duplimate machine and the changes to the bridge rules by the EBU. However, I shall follow the previous practice of only asking for comment and questions on our reports at the end of my report.
Kate Castree.
Report attached
Sandra Cape.
Report attached
Sue Moss.
Sue has done a tremendous job as Treasurer for many years as well as helping make up the boards on the duplimate machine. Sue is planning to possible move up North if and when she finds a buyer for her house but has very kindly agreed to stay on as treasurer until that happens. We are very fortunate to have a volunteer, Sue McDonald, to stand as treasurer if Sue has to resign over the next year.
Two committee members Maureen Paxton and Carry Kirk are standing down and our thanks to them for the work they have done over the last year.
Our thanks as well to Bruce Paul who stood down earlier in the year.
Carry Kurk.
Carry has had the daunting and thankless task of managing the spare partner list for many years. The spare partner system is a key part of running a successful bridge club and is vital for encouraging both new members and helping out all existing members and waiting list members when they are short of a partner. Carry was also instrumental in the addition of another disabled parking bay and was always on the lookout that we are taking proper steps to cater for any disabled members.
Neil Higgins, Miranda Moore. Jenny Cameron, and Steve Leach
My thanks also to the other committee members who have given the club their support in many ways ranging from regularly performing the duty officer tasks, to helping manage the Christmas party and the Village Day Lunch and Bridge Drive and providing me with invaluable guidance during the year.
There are others I would like to thank for their contribution over the last year:
Ron Rutstein.
Ron has continued to do an excellent job with the Website throughout the year with much innovation and also keeping it topical.
Jacqui White for providing such the tasty teas and cakes and being so friendly and always arranging for Tanya or someone else to stand in for her when she is away. It is appreciated if members could help her out with the teas when needed and to show the same friendliness to Jacqui and Tanya that they shows to us.
Roger Musgrove and his assistant Rob. for setting up the Old Barn Hall and the Harrison Room for our regular sessions and for always being prompt and responsive with regard to any issue we have raised with him.
All the past committee members who have provided useful advice and guidance to me and other committee members over the year. In particular in my case Coral and Stuart and Geraldine have always been there to give advice when I have asked for it.
Developments over the year.
Average table numbers throughout the year were steady at 18.5 compared to last year despite the increase in membership numbers from 200 to 210. There were only two sessions during the year when table numbers were 24 or more compared to 4 last year and 7 the previous year; indicative that the table numbers are now more consistent and evenly spread between Mondays and Thursday. The committee has established a target maximum of 26.
Parking at the Old barn Hall remains an issue and the committee has had to monitor the car parking throughout the year to ensure our members and visitors are only parking in bays reserved for the bridge club and park properly and intelligently between the white line and allowing parking in all permissible bays.
I would like to emphasise again how important it is for our members to be considerate and courteous to other users of the Barn Hall and to the people who manage the facilities.
Competitions. The competitions all seem to go fairly smoothly and we will be handing out the trophies to the winners shortly
Christmas Lunch 12th December
This was attended by 84 members and again was a very enjoyable social event. Our thanks again to all who contributed so much to making this happen. The club raised £502 for “The Meeting Room” charity through the raffle and they have expressed their thanks.
Village Day Lunch and Bridge Drive
We kept to the same format of duplicate bridge session in the afternoon session. It was very successful in terms of attendance 88 and money raised £850 for the Bookham Community Association (which manages the Old Barn Hall) for which they are very thankful. Most people seemed to enjoy the event based on the Bookham Village Week’s Space theme and the challenging quiz devised by Neil Higgins kept many of us seriously engaged over lunch.
We sort to cater for any players who wished to play Chicago bridge but there were not sufficient takers.
Our thanks again to all the members who helped support these two events.
Money raised for other charities. £1151
Children in Need raised £315 and Charity Challenge £216. Surrey Sims £620.
Looking Forward.
(Assuming I and others on the committee are re-elected)
We will explore ways in which the club can promote and facilitate training and teaching to enable members to improve their bridge. Can I mention the training Sue is now providing?
We will aim to maintain the ethos of the club as “a club which continues to be somewhere people want to come because they can to have a good game of bridge, played according to EBU rules in a friendly, non-threatening atmosphere.”
Lawrence Penney
5th October 2017