Bookham Afternoon Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Spare Partners

To all members 

Please check the Spare Partner list at the club; if you are able to sign up for a vacant slot it will be much appreciated.Slots through to February 2025 are available for sign-up. 

Many thanks to all who have acted as host on multiple occasions recently. It is worth remembering that if all members signed up we would all only need to do one Spare Partner duty per year.


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Pages viewed in 2024
Welcome to Bookham Afternoon Bridge Club
Welcome to Bookham Afternoon Bridge Club

Bookham Afternoon Bridge Club celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2019. We play duplicate bridge on Monday and Thursday afternoons at the Old Barn Hall. 
The Club is an affiliated member of the EBU. 

Play commences at 13.15, but you need to arrive by 13.00 and be seated at your table at 13.05. This enables the Director to select the right deal to be played.

We welcome visitors. First-time visitors should arrive by 12.50. Please contact the Chairman or Secretary for more information.  ► email contact form

   Learning Bridge New to bridge? Want to improve your play? Returning to bridge after a break? The EBU (English Bridge Union) has much useful information. 

   ► See the EBU website

Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting

The 54th AGM will take place at the Old Barn Hall, Bookham, on Monday 14th October 2024 starting at 11am.

► 2024 AGM Agenda

► 2023-24 Accounts

► 2023 AGM Minutes


 Please print your own copy of these documents to bring to the AGM, or bring an electronic device to read online.


 The membership subscription for 2024-25 will be announced at the meeting. To avoid confusion, please do not make any payments before then. 

2023/24 Competition Winners
2023/24 Competition Winners

Congratulations to our competition winners this year who are:

Individual winner  -  Alick Fraser 59.88%     2nd - Steve Lock 59.09%

Pairs winners  -  Alick Fraser & Steve Lock 59.27%     2nd - Sue and Paul Chapman 58.70% 

Most Improved winner  -  Adrian Filkins 56.29% (last year : 51.57%) plus 4.72%     2nd - Pauline Norman 53.01% (last year : 49.15%) plus 3.86%

Chairman’s Handicap winner  -  Kath & John Green 65.09%     2nd - Carol Newton & Lesley Milton 62.91%


       The trophies will be presented at the AGM on 14th October.



Welcome to our new member Robin Coleridge.


Earlier Arrival Time
Earlier Arrival Time


Play commences at 13.15, but you need to arrive by 13.00 and be seated at your table at 13.05.

This enables the Director to select the right deal to be played and is a change to the previous policy. Please take notice of the earlier arrival time.

Director's Tip
Director's Tip

Please click to find out more:

►  Announcing

►  Alerting

►  Stop Card

►  Clarification & Play

Looking for a Partner
Looking for a Partner

There is usually a spare partner available on the day (but not always). If you are looking for a partner for a future session, you should check the message board and you can then post your message, or cancel an earlier request.

You may include your email address and/or phone number, but only if you agree that your contact information can be shown on the Bookham website.

► See the Partner Message Board

Dates for your Diary
Dates for your Diary

AGM  -  Monday 14th October

CIN   -  11th and 14th November

Dorin Salver in aid of The Queen Elizabeth Foundation  -  2nd and 5th December

Christmas Party  -  Thursday 12th December

Table Money
Table Money

Table money for members is £3.  Members can buy a book of 10 vouchers for £27. 

Table money for visitors is £4.

All payments to be made by contactless card please.

Parking at the Old Barn Hall
Parking at the Old Barn Hall

Please would members and visitors note that on Thursdays we have to share the car park with the U3A bridge group who meet in the Waterfield Room. They have been allocated four spaces marked with cones near the conifer tree on the right hand side of the car park. We have received several complaints recently that the cones have been removed and the spaces used by our members. We realise that parking is somewhat restricted but we do need to respect agreements which have been reached with the Barn management.

In general, if our event is scheduled for a meeting in the Main Hall we must use the front car park only. If it is a Harrison Room event we may only use the rear car park. 

Once again, please do respect these provisions. 

Monday Harrison Room Events

On the first Monday in the month, the Main Hall is used by another organisation. We therefore have to use the Harrison Room where we are limited to 14 
tables and sign-up lists are required.

If you have signed up for a Harrison Room event but are subsequently unable to attend, please inform Kate: 07765 431405.

If the first Monday is a Bank Holiday, we have to use the Harrison Room on the second Monday with the same conditions.

The next Harrison Room event will be on Monday 4th November. The sign-up list is now available. 

Please note that we may only use the rear car park on these occasions.

Winners Thursday 10 October

N-S Maggie Simkins & Liz Plumtree 64.67%

E-W Sue & Paul Chapman 61.39%

Duplicate Pairs
Duplicate Pairs
Duplicate Pairs
Duplicate Pairs
Mon 14th October 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Main Hall - AGM at 1100 13.15
Thu 17th October 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Main Hall 13.15
Mon 21st October 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Main Hall 13.15
Thu 24th October 2024
Duplicate Pairs
Main Hall 13.15