Glaister Cup Winners 12 Oct 2021 |

Congratulations to the winners of today's Glaister Cup - 🌟 Rona Egan and Joyce Truffas 🌟, and thank you to everyone who played in the event.
Glaister Cup Winners 2022 |

Congratulations to the winners of the Glaister Cup, Jane Maxwell and Jean Howarth.
Glaister Cup Winners 2023 |
Congratulations to Chris Makinson and Ian Gibson on winning the 2023 Glaister Cup. Second place went to Bill Gordon and Ged Gaffey, and third place to Sue Hazlitt and Janice Drake.
Full results can be seen in the results section.
Congratulations to our 2022 Tyldesley Trophy winners, Deb Fairweather and Linda Hitchen.
Tyldesley Trophy Winners 2023 |
Congratulations to Ken Wood & David Thomson on winning the 2023 Tyldesley Trophy. Second place went to Leilia Price & Jacquie Evans, and third place jointly to Heather Carr & Jacqui Harte and Ailsa Hurst & Graeme Bruce.18 Pairs took part.
Bolton Championship Pairs 6th April 2019 |
 There were 17 pairs at the annual Bolton Championship Pairs on 6th April. Congratulations to the winners Steve Fanning & Barbara Heaton, who won in a very close finish ahead of Angus Kirby & Stuart Challinor (2nd) and Sue Whittam & Linda Wilson(3rd). There were several spot prizes and many other prizes in what was a very enjoyable two session event including a wonderful buffet from our regular caterer. Full details of the final scores in the results section.
Individual Competition - Fri 17th May 2019 |
 Bolton Bridge Club held the annual Individual competition open to all Bolton members at 7:30pm on Friday 17th May, There were 24 participants playing 11 rounds of two boards with differnt partners and opponents. Congratulations to Dave Morris who won the event with a 62% score. Second was Terry Potter, third Wendy Blyth. Full details in the Results section.
Bolton Individual 7 Feb 2020 |
 There were 28 players at the annual Bolton Individual held on 7th February 2020. Joint highest scorers on 157 out of 252 Matchpoints and sharing the prize money were Stuart Challinor & Duncan Ault, second Terry Potter & Diane Ault. Stuart has been declared winner on point-a-board countback with Stuart winning 11 boards, Duncan winning 9.
Mens & Ladies Pairs 6 Mar 2020 |

There were 6 tables in both the Mens & Ladies Pairs held on 6th March 2020. Congratulations to the Mens winners Ian Hitchen & John Ashworth and to the joint Ladies winners Eileen Polding & Joan Cann and Sue Whittam & Linda Wilson.
Championship Pairs Winners Wed 27 Oct 2021 |

Congratulations to the winners - 🌟 John Simm and Wendy Blyth 🌟, closely followed by Joanne Evans and Philip Taylor. Thank you to everyone who played in the event.
Bolton Individual Championship - The Results |
♥ ♥ Many Congratulations to the winner of the Bolton Individual Championship for 2022 --- Sue Whittam ♥ ♥
And a massive Well Done to the runner-up Jane Jones, who was only 0.5% behind Sue. Great scoring by both of you.
Special Commendations to Tony Howells (3rd), Andrew Cafferky (4th) and Ralph Jones (5th)
An amazing turn-out of 40 people for the event. Thank you to everyone who played.
Bolton Mixed Pairs 4th May 2022 |
♥ ♥ Many Congratulations to the winner of the Bolton Mixed Pairs for 2022 --- Stephen & Sue Hazlitt ♥ ♥
And well done to the runners up Paul Vose & Heather Carr and third place Ronnie Epstein and Wendy Bentwood
There were 13 pairs taking part. Thank you to everyone who played.
Bolton Championship Pairs 8th June 2022 |
There were 15 pairs at the annual Bolton Championship Pairs held at the club. Well done to the winners Mike Nicholson & Rod Greenhalgh, 2nd Alan Whittam & Paul Evans, 3rd Wendy Blyth & John Simm.
Bolton Individual Competition 2023 - The Results |
Congratulations to Ken Rigg who won the Annual Bolton Individual Competition held on Wednesday 8th March 2023 at Bolton BC.
and Well Done to Wendy Blyth in a close second place, and David Morris in third place.
Thank you to all the 24 players who competed in this 24 board (2 x 12 round) event.
Mens & Ladies Pairs - The Winners |
The annual Bolton Club Mens Pairs & Ladies Pairs was held on Wednesday 5th April 2023 at the Club.
In the Ladies Pairs Congratulations to the winners, Linda Wilson and Sue Whittam. Second place was a tie between Stella Beswick & Margery Gardiner and Wendy Blyth & Jay Cooper. Well done ladies.
In the Mens Pairs, it was another good result for the Whittam household. Congratulations to the winners, Paul Evans and Alan Whittam, and second placed Steve Fanning and Mike Nicholson. (This was Paul & Alan's 3rd consecutive win)
Thank you to everyone who played and supported the event. It was good to see the Club so busy again, with a great social atmosphere.
Bolton Mixed Pairs Wednesday 3rd May 2023 |
The annual Bolton Mixed Pairs was held at 7:15pm on Wednesday May 3rd Face to Face at Bolton Club. An excellent turnout of 10.5 tables contested this annual event.
Congratulations to the winners Stuart Norris & Linda Hitchen, pictured below receiving their trophy from President, Ken Hardman. Well done to second placed Duncan & Diane Ault, and third placed Alan Whittam & Linda Wilson. Full details on Results section.
2024 Individual Competition - The Results |
Congratulations to our 2024 Individual Champion, Janice Drake, with an amazing score of 67.9%.
Well done to second placed Sheila Fisher, with a very credible 61.5% and third placed Andrew Cafferky.
Thank you to all the 29 members who supported the event and in particular to Jeff Smith and Brian Perry for their significant efforts to organise and prepare for this complicated event and to Brian for acting as TD for the evening.
Championship Pairs |
 The annual Championship Pairs was held on 5th June. 22 pairs competed.
Congratulations to the winners Paul Evans & Alan Whittam. Second were Pam Hunter & Phil Taylor and third were Sandra Dootson & John Dootson.
Thank you to all who took part.