Preece RoseBowl 2014 |
The 2014 Preece Rosebowl, the Ladies Pairs competition staged annually by Blundellsands Bridge Club on behalf of the Merseyside & Cheshire Contract Bridge Association, was held on Sunday 27th April 2014. On a bright sunny day we enjoyed our bridge in a good natured but competitive contest which was won by Sue Fjortoft and Margaret Ainscough, pictured below receiving the trophy.
Subscriptions |
The club year started on 1st July 2014 If you have not renewed your subscription please do not delay. All of last year's competitions have now been finalised and full details can be found on the Honours Board |
Table Money |
Charges for our regular sessions are presently:-
- Duplicate - £4 per head for members (£5 for visitors)
- Rubber - £2.50 per head for members (£3.50 for visitors)
Entry includes free refreshments served at the table. Additional drinks are available for a nominal charge.
Additional charges will apply for certain events such as Simultaneous Pairs and party nights.
Dealing Machine |
 Pre-dealt computer generated hands:
Pre-dealt boards are used for our Duplicate Bridge sessions on Wednesday and Friday evenings. Not only does this relieve players of shuffling and dealing but it means that we can provide full details of the boards that have been played both on our website and in printouts available after play has finished.
The dealing is facilitated by using Dealmaster Pro® software and a Dealer 4® card dealing machine
After dealing, the hands are analysed by a computer program called Deep Finesse which looks at all four hands and calculates with absolute accuracy the outcome from the play of each potential contract from every position at the table. This analysis is based on knowledge of all four hands (double dummy) and optimum play. It can be a valuable guide to the hand although it can sometimes produce an answer that is unlikely to be achieved at the table where players do not have the benefit of playing double dummy.
Some players feel that there is a difference between hands that are dealt by hand and those that are computer generated. We endeavour to ensure that all of our computer generated hands are properly random. We do not specify any criteria about point counts or hand shapes and, to keep everything random, do not seek to prevent hands that might be passed out. If there are any differences between our computer generated hands and those that one gets with hand shuffling, it is because they are more properly random. Hand shuffling is often less thorough than it should be to produce a random deal and in consequence tends to produce flatter hands.
Blue Points |
On 1st January 2013 the EBU introduced a new grade of masterpoint designated as Blue Points. These are intended as a half-way house between the existing masterpoints awarded for club play (Local Points) and the Green Points awarded in national tournaments. Each Blue Point will be worth 100 Local Points or ⅓ of a Green Point. A full expanation is given in the EBU press release which is linked to this item.
We will be awarding Blue Points in our annual one-day contest for the the Eileen Webster Shield from 2013 onwards.
Simultaneous Pairs events |
We have a comprehensive page with details about our participation in both forthcoming and previous Simultaneous Pairs competitions
click here to be redirected

The English Bridge Union has made significant changes to the scheme of announcements effective September 1st 2022. This only applies to the EBU. So, if you play in any clubs or competitions playing to the EBU rules, you will be expected to use the Alerting and Announcing rules as explained below.
For the latest EBU 2022 Announcement click EBU Announcing and Alerting Rules
Opening Bid |
Description |
Announce |
Alert |
N/A |
1  |
Could be on fewer than 3 cards |
"May be X” where X is 0, 1 or 2. Extend to "May be X and may have an outside 5-card (Diamond) suit" as appropriate |
Non-forcing, natural, 3 or more |
Other (forcing, strong, artificial) |
1NT |
Balanced |
“12 to 14” (or appropriate range) and, if relevant, “may contain a singleton” |
2 |
Strong, Acol, (Benji Acol, etc) |
Precision |
“Intermediate” |
2 |
Weak with diamonds |
“Weak” |
Strong with diamonds |
“Strong, forcing” * or
“Strong non-forcing” * |
Other (Benji, Multi, etc) |
2 /  |
Weak with hearts/ spades |
“Weak” |
Strong with hearts/ spades |
“Strong, forcing” * or
“Strong non-forcing” * |
Other (Lucas, Flannery, etc) |
2NT |
Strong, balanced |
Other meaning, including two-suited or forcing, |
N/A: No Action, do not alert/announce
*The practice of making strong bids with hands of limited high cards must be clearly disclosed
Responses to 1NT or 2NT openings |
Response |
Description |
Announce |
Alert |
N/A |
1NT - 2
2NT - 3 |
Stayman (asking for 4 card majors, promissory or not) |
"Stayman" |
5-card Stayman |
1NT - 2 - 2
2NT - 3 - 3 |
Denies 4 card major |
1NT - 2
2NT - 3 |
Transfer, showing hearts |
“Hearts” |
1NT - 2 - 2
2NT - 3 - 3 |
Completion of transfer |
1NT - 2
2NT - 3 |
Transfer, showing spades |
“Spades” |
1NT - 2 - 2
2NT - 3 - 3 |
Completion of transfer |
1NT - 2 /3
2NT - 3 /3 |
Natural, non-forcing |
Other Meaning |
1NT - 2
New in 2022 |
Natural, non-forcing |
Transfer, showing clubs |
"Clubs" |
Other meaning, including where clubs is one option |
1NT - 2NT
New in 2022 |
Natural, non-forcing |
Transfer, showing diamonds |
"Diamonds" |
Other meaning |
Responses to non-forcing one of a suit – all new in 2022 |
Response |
Description |
Announce |
Alert |
N/A |
1 - 1 |
Natural |
Shows Hearts |
"Hearts" |
Other meaning |
1 - 1 |
Natural |
Shows Spades |
"Spades" |
Other meaning |
1 - 1 |
Natural |
Shows Diamonds |
"Dianonds" |
Denies 4+ cards in a Majo |
"No Major" |
Other meaning |
1 suit - 1 NT |
Non forcing, up to 10 HCP |
Non-forcing, can be > 10 HCP |
"Up to n points”, or “Up to bad n points” |
1 - 1 NT |
Forcing, shows clubs |
"Clubs" |
Forcing, shows diamond |
"Diamonds" |
1 suit - 1 NT |
Other meaning, forcing |
1 - 2 |
Not forcing (with clubs) |
Forcing, showing clubs |
Showing diamonds |
"Diamonds" |
Other meaning |
1 /1 /1 - 2suit (not a jump, not a passed hand) |
Non-forcing |
Natural, forcing, not game-force |
Natural, game forcing |
"Game Forcing" |
Not natural |
Bids |
Alert |
N/A |
above 3NT |
Artificial suit bids on 1st round of the auction (for this purpose the first round of the bidding is the opening bid and three subsequent calls) |
Other bids |
Action over Opponents’ calls up to and including 3NT |
Opponents Call |
Meaning of their call … |
If your Double is … |
Alert |
N/A |
A suit at any level |
Natural |
Take-out |
Anything else |
Does not show the suit (i.e. conventional or not natural) |
Showing the suit doubled |
Anything else |
A suit opening |
Prepared, Phoney, Short or
Nebulous 1 or 1 opening |
Take-out |
Anything else |
No trumps at any level |
Natural or conventional |
Penalty |
Anything else |
Opponents Call |
Meaning of their call … |
If your redouble is … |
Alert |
N/A |
Double |
Any meaning |
for business, shows strength: partner is expected to pass |
Partner is expected to remove, or some other specific meaning |
Action over Opponents’ calls above 3NT |
Opponents Call |
Meaning of their … |
Other Actions … |
Alert |
N/A |
Above 3NT |
Any meaning |
Lead directing pass |
Lead directing double for a different suit to the one doubled |
Lightner double of, say 6NT, calling for a specific lead |
Lead directing redouble for a different suit to the one redoubled |
Any other pass, double or redouble |

© The English Bridge Union 2013. Effective 1 September 2022
English Bridge Union, Broadfields, Bicester Rd, Aylesbury HP19 8AZ
01296 317200 Email |
Feedback |
It would be useful to know how you feel about this website and any suggestions you may have for its future development. There is now a feedback form on our Home Page and we welcome your comments.
Current position regarding redevelopment |
have implied that they do not have any plans for re-development of Crosby Village at present.
Plans were submitted at the end of April 2014 for redevelopment of the derilect "Villas" in Moor Lane by McCarthy and Stone to provide 46 retirement flats.