Blackheath Bridge Club
The club was formed in 1952.
It meets at Mycenae House, Blackheath.
The club meets on Monday and Thursday evenings and Wednesday afternoons.
The club strives to maintain a friendly atmosphere.
The members annually appoint Officers and a Committee at the Annual General Meeting held October/November each year (see section on Officers/Committee).
The financial year of the Club is 1st October to 30th September.
The Club participates in the EBU's ‘Pay 2 Play’ scheme. Members are therefore automatically entered as EBU members. The Club’s EBU number is 00204659.
Bridge Pad terminals are used to automatically score tournaments which are then uploaded to the EBU P2P site, the Club’s website ( and ECATs where necessary.
The Club isaffiliated to the English Bridge Union via the Kent region.
Potentialmembers are admitted to the club upon proof of an EBU ranking or havingconvinced a Committee member of their competence.
JoiningFee/ Annual Subscription
A joining feeof £5.00 is payable upon election to the club together with an annualsubscription of £6.00. The joining fee may be suspended for a trial period ifthe Committee so decides. The annual subscription becomes due immediately afterthe AGM.
Duplicatebridge scored as match-pointed pairs is normally played on:
Monday------------7.15p.m. finishing at 10.30p.m.
Wednesday-------1.15p.m.- finishing at 04.30 p.m
Thursday----------7.15p.m. finishingat 10.30 p.m.
The number ofboards and movement type is decided by the Tournament Director.
On two sessionsbefore Christmas and Easter the Club arranges ‘Party’ events when Chicagoscored bridge is played.
SimultaneousPairs Competitions and Club Cups
The Club entersa number of national simultaneous pairs competitions usually for a sponsoredcharity. Naturally on these evenings boards are made up as instructed bycompetition requirements.
Club Cups :
Over the Clubyear the following competitions are run:
Beeny Cup - Played third Thursday ofeach month.
Pairs best seven results count tofinal result.
Foulger Cup Awarded to second placepair in the Beeny Cup competition.
Rosina Middleton Cup - Single evening competition. Monies donated to charity
Brian Cullern Cup - duplicate event for trophy
Bottone/Raffiqe Cup - duplicate event for trophy
Bradshaw Cup - duplicate event fortrophy
Financial Strategy The club’s strategy is to maintain financial reserves of not less than one half and not more than one and one third times the estimated replacement cost of the equipment in use. The committee shall estimate the replacement cost of equipment at least once in every five years. The replacement value of equipment shall be included on the annual report.
Thecommittee shall decide joining fees, annual membership fees, session fees, anddiscounts to session officials and hosts to meet the financial strategy insofaras it is reasonably practicable. The fees in force shall be published on thenotice board and on the web site. Following changes new fees shall be announcedat one of each of the sessions (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday).
Prize money shall be awarded as follows:
0-12 players in session -- No prize money
14-22players in session -- to a single winning pair
24-28players in session --to N/S and E/W winners
30+ players in session --to N/S & E/Wwinners, and 4 runners up
Exceptionally there is no prize money for Simultaneous Pairs, Rosina Middleton, Brian Cullern, Bradshaw and Bottone/Rafique Cups. Prize money can be varied by the Director with the agreement of the Chairman and/or the Treasurer. When a hesitation movement for 7 tables has been used then prize money will be paid tothe first, second and third pairs. The committee shall set the value of prizes in keeping with the financial strategy. The prize values in force shall be published on the notice board and on the web site.Following changes new prize values shall be announced at one of each of the sessions (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday).
At each sessiona TD assumes responsibility for :-
Deciding on themovement to be played
Table numbers
The number of boards to be played
Deciding on seating changes if required prior to play commencing
Calling tablemoves
Resolving moves
Deciding penalties for errors in play or slowness
Table moves maybe called before all tables have completed the round. The TD alone will decidewhether
1) to allow theboard to be completed
2) to return the cards immediately to the board and take an average
3) to penalise players for slow play and
4) to warn players that any future slow play will be penalised
5) any other penalty the TD thinks fit. Members should recognise that slow play is a great annoyance to the majority of players. Particular attention to reasonably fast play should be made if 28 boards are in play or a session’s start has been delayed.
As in all othermatters the TD’s decision is final and cannot be challenged within the session.If a player has a grievance about a TD’s decision it should be brought to theattention of a Committee member after the session. Dissent during play will betreated as a serious infringement of Club rules.
SitOut Pairs
In the event of a tournament requiring a sit out pair then
1) if the number of sit out boards is above four then the TD will normally insist on an Howell movement
2) if a Mitchell movement is used, the direction of the sit out will be decided by cutting a deck of cards such that red means an E/W sit out and black N/S.
PlayingWithout a Partner
Following a request from members the AGM decided there will no longer be play with "bidders" on Wednesday afternoons or Thurs evenings.
Hostingand Partner Finding
A host is normally provided for all non-competition/cup sessions on Monday and Thursday evenings. Members are obliged to make themselves available one Monday and one Thursday during the Club year with some exceptions for infirmity, age and disability. Dates are to be agreed with the Hosting Organiser. Hosting enables club members and visitors to be confident that they will get a game. A diary of who is to be host will be posted on the notice board.
The Club operates a clearing mechanism for members needing partners. They should telephone the Partnership Liaison Officer whose name and telephone number will be on the Club notice board and website and partnerships will be arranged accordingly.
The Clubstrives to maintain a friendly supportive atmosphere within the rules ofbridge. Disciplinary matters may range from inconsiderate play ( e.g. talkingtoo loud, berating a partner or opponent, slowness, discussing a hand after anew board has started, leaving a session early etc.) through to systematiccheating.
Should acomplaint be made that a player’s(s’) conduct be thought to be unacceptable thematter shall be reported to a Committee Member who will advise the Club’s Chairand Secretary at the earliest opportunity. The Club Chair, or if not availablethe Club Secretary, shall decide what immediate action, if any, should betaken.
The complaintand any action instigated will be brought up at the next Committee meeting. TheCommittee may require the attendance or evidence submission of any Club memberit thinks can help the decision process. If the conduct under investigation isdeemed to warrant a penalty or sanction then the Committee’s decision will beconveyed in writing by the Club Secretary to both the complainant andtransgressor.
If the matteris serious enough to warrant suspension or termination of membership then theChairman will write to the member with the Committee’s decision and invite themember to submit a defence or mitigation should the member wish to appeal. Theappeal will be considered at the next Committee meeting when a final decisionwill be made. During this time the member will have their membership suspended.This decision is final and there will be no further appeal.
AnnualGeneral Meeting
There will bean Annual General Meeting (AGM) in late October/early November each year. Thisis the primary policy making forum of the club.
The usualformat is :-
Minutes fromthe last AGM are presented and agreed
Auditedaccounts are presented, discussed and agreed
Officers and Committee members election : the AGM shall appoint Officers and Committee members for the ensuing year. The Club’s officers will consist of Chair,Treasurer, Secretary, Match Secretary and two auditors. Individuals may combine roles if they are so elected. A list for members to nominate Committee members/Officers together with motions members wish to be discussed at the AGMwill be posted on the Club notice board at least two weeks before the AGM. Each nominee requires a proposer and a seconder. The maximum number of Committee members, including Officers, is normally ten (excluding auditors). In the event of more than one nominee for each Office or more than ten Committee members overall then an election shall take place with each member present at the AGM having one vote. The AGM can appoint any member to hold any position for the forthcoming year that it considers appropriate. The Officers and Committee members are appointed to serve from 1st December to the 30th November so as to ensure continuity. In the event of an Officer or Committee member withdrawing or being suspended from the Club the Committee will make efforts to appoint a Committee or co-opted member to fulfil the missing role.If the Committee cannot agree on such a person then a Special General Meeting(SGM) will be called.
Policy makingprocesses: there are three ways that policy can be normally be determined i) by a balloted referendum ii) by specific motions posted to the AGM’s nominationnotice iii) by a motion brought under Any Other Business (AOB).
1) A balloted referendum requires a vote of at least 50% of the Committee or a petition to the Committee signed by at least 15 members. The Club
Secretary will make best efforts to inform all members of the motion and supply voting slipsand post a ballot box on the notice board.
A referendum request must be received by mid-August to allow sufficient time to contact members. Any policy following from a referendum will normally only be reversed by a subsequent referendum (apart from minor technical changes).
2) Specific motions will be debated and voted on by only those present at the AGM. Each motion will have a nominee and a seconder. At the Chair’s discretion addition motions may be added if clarifies a point of contention.
3) Motions under AOB will be debated and voted on by only those present at the AGM. Each motion will have a nominee and a seconder. At the Chair’s discretion addition motions may be added if clarifies a point of contention.
Special GeneralMeetings :- these can be called should
1) the club becomesinsolvent or is wound-up
2) the Chairand/or Secretary receives a request from either 60% of the Committee or 50% ofthe members. The request must include the motion that the SGM is to consider.The SGM will consider only the motion put apart from motions permitted by theChair that may clarify the issues raised by the motion.
When a modification to the constitution is to be voted on the vote shall be carried only if two thirds of those present have voted in favour.
In calling meetings the Secretary shall attempt to send a notice of meeting to allmembers by e-mail
The committeeshall meet at least four times a year. At each meeting a date will be set forthe next one. The Secretary may amend such dates following consultation andagreement from at least six members. Committee meeting will have a quorum offive. In the absence of the Chair members will vote to appoint an acting Chair.Members will have one vote except the Chair who will have a casting vote.
TheChair/Secretary may call a special committee meeting. A minimum of two weeks notice will be required.
The Committee may appoint sub-committees for any specific issue. The sub-committee may not decide on issues but report back to the main committee with recommendations
In calling meetings the Secretary shall attempt to send a notice of meeting to all members by e-mail
Signed ……………G Fooks …………………….Date…21/11/2012 … Secretary
Signed …………R Andrews.…………………….Date …21/11/2012.… Treasurer