Annual General Meeting 5th March 2015
The meeting was not quorate until 6.47 therefore no business could be officially started before that time. Apologies were heard and minutes and reports from 2014 were circulated before then.
The AGM officially started at 6.47 pm.
- Apologies
Roger Carpenter, Peter Lisle, Joan Crompton
Minutes of the last meeting 201
These were circulated and accepted as a true record.
- Matters arising from the minutes 2014
There were no matters arising.
Chairman’s report
- attached
- Treasurer’s report
- attached
Secretary’s report
– attached
Match Captain’s report
- attached
Scorer’s report
- attached
Election of Officers and Committee Members
Chairman Godfrey Young announced his intention to step down from the Committee. The Secretary thanked Godfrey for all his hard work over many years. All other members of the Committee were willing to stand for re-election and as no other nominations had been received the meeting voted unanimously to re-elect the outgoing committee. However there is a vacancy on the committee and we have no Chairman so the Secretary encouraged other members to consider putting themselves forward for co-option.
10. Proposal by the outgoing committee: Membership Fees and Table Money to remain unchanged for 2015/16.
The motion was Proposed by Mary Winter and Seconded by Jane Pringle and carried unanimously.
11. AOB
John Little commented on the quality of the newsletter and thanked the Secretary for the hard work undertaken in its production.