Annual General Meeting 3rd March 2015
At 6.30 pm in the Golf Club
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of te AGM 2015
3. Matters arising from the Minutes 2015
4. Chairman's Report
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Secretary's Report
7. Match Captain's Report
8. Scorer's Report
9. Election of Officers and Committee Members
10. Proposal by the Outgoing Committee
Membership Fees and Table Money should remain unchanged for 2017
11. Proposal by the Outgoing Committee
Currently the Constitution of BABC states that officers can only seek re-election for a
maximum period of five consecutive years after which they must stand down. The
Committee proposes that this be increased to a maximum of seven years.
12. Proposal: That the Club no longer has pre-dealt boards as they are contrived and
too expensive.
Proposed: Colin Trotter Seconded: Margaret Wiles
13. AOB - for discussion only. Motions must be submitted in advance.