Release 2.19r
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Pages viewed in 2024


Latner Trophy 2024 Winners
Allan Blackett
Malcolm Dawson

Carpenter Cup 2024 Winners
Denise Barham-Hall
John Bernard Portwood

Anniversary Trophy 2024 Winners
Beryl Thompson
Pauline Short

Walker Bowl 2023 Winners
Ann Squires
Alison Young

Godfrey Award 2023

Frank Bouweraerts & Irina Hendrickx

Masterpoints Trophy 2023
Audrey Bainbridge




Bishop Auckland Bridge Club (EBU Affiliated)

Club Founded - 8th April 1976

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Welcome and thank you for visiting the website of Bishop Auckland Bridge Club.

The Club, located in the beautiful and historic Wear Valley market town is registered with the English Bridge Union and meets weekly for duplicate bridge on
Thursdays at 6.55 pm.

The venue for many years was the attractively renovated Bishop Auckland Town Hall.
However, the Club now meets at the

Bishop Auckland Golf Club,
the entrance to which is located a half a mile east of the Market Place on the A689.

There is ample free parking and this venue affords a comfortable base for the Club.

A map of the location can be found under Club Information - How to Find Us

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Inter Club matches are played at

Kirk Merrington Community Centre

 For address and link to map see Club Information - How To Find Us tabs.

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Visiting pairs are always welcome and partners can often be found for single players. 

Visitors should note that the Golf Club operates a Dress Code of 'Smart Casual Clothing' and that smart, clean denim jeans are acceptable.


Items for Website

If you have any items for inclusion on the website please email to Malcolm Dawson via Contacts page.


Chairman - Allan Blackett
Secretary - Malcolm Dawson
Treasurer - Peter Whitton
Captain - Denise Barham-Hall

Scorer - John Portwood
Webmaster - Malcolm Dawson 

Email Links via Club Information
in Main Menu

Need a Partner?

If you are looking for a partner for any session please e-mail the Secretary Malcolm Dawson, either directly or via the e-mail link under the Committee tab on the Club Information page and he will circulate your request.

EBU Competitions

Details of latest EBU competitions including The Harrogate Conference can be seen via this link which also includes a link to online entries.



Club Membership Subscriptions
are due from
1st January
(at £3.00 per annum
for all categories)


Competition Results, Performance Averages and Statistical Records
may be accessed via the

'Competitions Current’
and ‘Results - Personal Analysis’
entries in the main left hand menu

Teams of 4
Director: John Portwood
Scorer: John Portwood
Director: John Portwood
Scorer: John Portwood
26th Sep 2024
Duplicate Walker Bowl
Golf Club
6.50 for 7.00pm
3rd Oct 2024
Golf Club
6.50 for 7.00pm
10th Oct 2024
EBU British Autumn Sims Pairs
Golf Club
6.50 for 7.00pm