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The club is registered on MEMPAD, a computerised data base with information on SBU districts, clubs and members including their Master Points ranking. For those who have not already done so and wish to log on to MEMPAD, send an Email to "" quoting your Master Points number (the same number as your SBU membership number on your membership card). You will receive instructions as how to log on using your Master Points number as your user name (ID). If you are not registered with MEMPAD, you will not be able to play in ANY competitions - Club or SBU. If you would like to logon to Mempad, click HERE. If you need any assistance, please contact Steven Henderson who can do the registration on your behalf and can add your BBO id to the list of members on the Club website - only members can view this.



1st March 2012




The club shall be called BIGGAR BRIDGE CLUB, hereinafter referred to as the CLUB.



The objects of the Club shall be:
    a) to provide opportunities for play and to develop and promote the game of bridge where possible.
    b) to encourage new players to learn and play bridge.
    c) to organise and run educational courses to encourage beginners.



Any bridge player shall be eligible for membership and shall upon payment of the agreed subscription, decided at the Annual General Meeting, become a member of the CLUB.



The Club shall be affiliated to the Western District and to the Scottish Bridge Union (SBU). The Club shall be responsible for collection of the annual subscription to the SBU and shall forward this to the Membership Secretary by 30th November each year.



The annual membership fee shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting and the subscription year shall run from 1st September. All subscriptions must be paid by 30th September.



A copy of the Constitution shall be displayed in the bridge room and available from the secretary on request. This constitution shall not be altered, amended or rescinded except by members at the Annual General Meeting of the CLUB, or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for such a purpose.



The committee may call an EGM if the membership requires being involved in decision making. An EGM may also be requested in writing by at least ten members of the CLUB. The purpose of the meeting must be stated in any such request and shall be the sole topic of business. The secretary shall call the meeting within four weeks from receipt of an application.



An A.G.M shall be held by the end of March in each year. The committee shall fix the date and time. Items for inclusion on the agenda must be submitted in writing to the secretary at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.



The quorum for both the A.G.M. and any E.G.M. called must consist of a minimum of two committee members plus ten members. In the event of no quorum, the meeting shall be postponed to a date within ten days of the original date set. All votes taken at these meetings will be based on a simple majority, with the Chairperson having a casting vote if necessary.



The accounts of the CLUB shall be examined annually and presented to the membership at the A.G.M. for approval. The CLUB membership shall appoint a Reporting Examiner, at the A.G.M., for the ensuing year.



The committee shall consist of four Officers: a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer plus three members’ representatives. Elections shall be held every year at the Annual General Meeting.
The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall have a two year tenure of office, at which point the Vice Chairperson shall assume the roll of Chairperson. The retiring Chairperson may then stand for election as an ordinary member of committee. The three existing members of committee may seek re-election each year. It is not mandatory for the Secretary and Treasurer to seek re-election.In the event of any vacancy occurring in the committee or office bearers, the committee shall have the power to fill such vacancies from within the membership until the next Annual General Meeting.



The date and time of committee meetings shall be notified at least seven days beforehand.The committee quorum shall be at least three members. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson will chair the meeting. In the absence of both Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, the committee shall appoint, by vote, one of their number to chair the meeting. Voting, if required, shall be by majority vote with the Chairperson having a casting vote in the event of a tied vote. A committee member shall not vote on any issue or resolution in which he/she has a personal interest and must withdraw from the meeting while an item of that nature is being discussed. Minutes must be recorded at all meetings.



On the recommendation of the committee to the Annual General Meeting, the distinction of Honorary Membership may be conferred on any member in recognition of service rendered to the CLUB and upon agreement by the majority present. Such members will not be required to pay the annual subscription. They will not, however, be eligible for a place on the committee.



Anyone being persistently unreasonable, discourteous or improper in their conduct should, in the first instance, be reported to the committee, preferably in writing. Following discussion by the committee, the person concerned may be warned, suspended and / or asked to leave the CLUB. This also applies to any serious improprieties. There shall be a right of appeal in writing and the final decision on any such appeal shall be made by the committee.



The CLUB shall be a non-profit making organisation. As such, upon dissolution of Biggar Bridge Club, all assets should be sold where possible and all monies, after settlement of debts and expenses, shall be divided among charities decided by the membership current at that time.
