Sylvia welcomed our members and thanked all for coming and announced the sad news that our Queen has passed away; condolences to the Royal family and Long Live the King.
- Sue: The Club currently has 59 members. 36 members were present; 15 Proxies were received; 4 apologies. More sad news that Jan Field, member since October 2019, has also died. However, Eileen, our wonderful 101 year old member is still playing bridge, though she has now decided only to play on-line. From research, it seems she is the oldest playing member at a bridge club.
- Sue: Approval of the Minutes of the previous AGM. These have been on our website and copies were made available at the meeting. Proposed accepted by John, seconded by Phil.
- Sylvia: Chairman’s report: Thank you to the Committee for their support during the past year. Particularly Kate for keeping the finances in order; Sue for keeping the Chairman in order; Kathy, Vice Chair and our own “Mary Berry”; Maggie for making members feel they belong – with birthday cards etc.; and last but not least, Peter for suffering the idiosyncrasies of the old PC and of being the only male on our Committee. We are sorry he has decided to step down. Thanks also to Phil for encouraging new members with his lessons etc.; please help spread the word: new members welcome. It is good to see the two clubs (GF bridge and Bickerley) are nowadays collaborating for our mutual benefits. Thanks to Peter Bodiley for being barman tonight, Kate for the savouries to start and Kathy for the wonderful cakes for the coffee break.
Welcome to our new members: Ron and Val Heath, Sue Norman, Graham and Mary Short, Wendy Trayhern, Eric Waller and Pete Young.
We have held successful away events this year, thank you Kate for organising; these included our Christmas Party with quizzes and games; a weekend in Corsham; a day at Sherbourne, where the first winners of the Sparkle trophy were Kate and Derrick; Burley Day: winners Sue & Nigel, Graham and Jenny. These good, social events are intrinsic to the core philosophy of our club and are to be cherished.
For the rest of this year, we have a weekend on Hayling Island in November and the Christmas Party on the 15th December. Next year we will run our usual Charity event as well as welcoming suggestions for others.
On-line bridge is still being run on Tuesday evenings: all are welcome.
Lastly, Sylvia thanked the members for allowing her the privilege of being their Chairman.
- Kate: Treasurer’s Report: Kate told us the accounts have been audited and all is well. We have averaged 7 tables each session this year; all Greyfriars Centre charges are rising and so we will have to put our Table Money rate up to £2.50 wef next week. However, our Subs will reduce from £10pp to £5pp. The Club has made small profits (and the odd loss) from our events, on-line bridge has contributed a small profit, we have sent £142 to Ecats and £200 to CiN charities; major expenditure included the special boards and cards for the duplimating machine, new bidding boxes, one wooden table and licences to ScoreBridge and BridgeWebs. Sue and Peter Bodiley have donated a nearly-new PC to the Club and this should make life a lot easier for directors. Overall the Club has made a slight profit this year. As we are benefitting from being a Greyfriars Club, All Members Must pay their Greyfriars subs - £18pp or £32 per couple – preferably on-line to save them charges.
- Sue: Revised Constitution: the Constitution has been revised by the Committee and is on our website for perusal; copies were also circulated. The main changes are to make it more concise and to cover eventualities such as arose from the previous committee unilaterally making decisions on behalf of members. The draft was proposed approved by Graham Woolf and seconded by June. It will now be posted on our website and can only be changed again at future AGMs.
- Sylvia: Nomination of new committee: all members of the existing committee except Peter Clarke are prepared to stand again and were accepted without opposition. Two new nominations were received: Graham Woolf, proposed by Kathy and seconded by Derrick; and Jean Mortimer, proposed by Peter Bodiley and seconded by Maggie. We are grateful for their offers and they are duly accepted, bring our Committee to a useful odd-number of 7.
[Our Committee now comprises: Sylvia Berville (Chair), Kate Henderson (Treasurer), Sue Bodiley (Secretary), Kathy Websdale (Vice-Chair) and Maggie Jerome, Jean Mortimer and Graham Woolf as Members]
Meeting closed a little late at just after 7pm.
Sue Bodiley (Secretary) 10th Sept 2022