This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
Alerts and Announcements |
The EBU have recently revised their Blue Book.
Please click here for the revised table for alerts and announcements.
Please also note that the club intends to modify one paragraph of the Blue Book, as follows. Other modifications will be shown on the club's noticeboard.
"3 A 1 Pairs are required to have at least one fully completed system card(s). If more than one, they should contain the same information.
At the beginning of each round they should make these available to their opponents. If an opponent needs to consult a system card, they should return the card promptly."
The EBU have consented to this change.
Last updated : 22nd Nov 2023 10:09 GMT |