Release 2.19q

The Berry Bridge Club has a start time of 1.00pm except during the winter months of June, July and August when the start time will be 12.30pm.  So be sure to arrive no later than 15 minutes before start time for the Director to set the movement for the day.


Kind regards 

Helen Thornbury - President 

Welcome to Berry Bridge Club
Situated at the Berry Bowling Club, Queens St, Berry.

We invite you to join us in a game of duplicate bridge on Saturday afternoon (see start times above). 

Please phone Raewyn Collins on 0415778213 if you require a bridge partner. 

Visitors are always welcome.

  ♠   ♣ 

Old News Items
Berry Historic Town
Berry Historic Town
Interior Sequence Opening Lead

 N/S are in a contract of 3NT by South – yes a bit of an overbid but there they were. As West, what do you lead?

Archived 15/5/16

The only lead to make is the top of an interior sequence – QH. Why? You want partner to lead hearts back, if and when they win a trick. Sure, declarer (South) is going to win the KH, but the minute they lose control, you take your six heart tricks and the rest is history.
From the ABF newsletter Jan 2016

Inverted Minors

Inverted Minors is a very nice, simple tool for Intermediate plus players. For example, when partner opens one of a minor, your reply of two of that minor promises 10-18 HCPs, five cards in that minor and no major holding.  It’s forcing for one round because the point count could be high. 

♠ Q765 ♠ AJ4
AJ107 64
AQ 83
♣ J94 ♣ AKQ1063

North opens 1C, South bids 2C showing 10+ HCPs and a five card club suit.
1C: 2C: ?

With this valuable information, North bids 2NT showing a minimum balanced hand with cover in diamonds and both majors.   South bids 3NT.
1C: 2C: 2NT: 3NT

How would you bid this hand if you don’t play Inverted Minors? 1C: 3C: ? You’re up too high to do any NT exploration.  Partner cannot guess your point count past 10, therefore anything they bid, including a pass, is a gamble.

What do you bid if you have a weak hand in response to partner’s opening of a minor? Normally you pass with less than five card support and 0-5 HCPs.  This stays the same for 0-2 HCP.  However, if you hold 5 card support with 3-8 HCP you jump to 3C.  Partner must pass:
1C: 3C = 3-8 points and a 5 card club suit, no four card major, opener should pass.
1D: 3D = 3-8 points and a 5 card diamond suit, no four card major, opener should pass.

With a balanced 6-9 HCP point hand and no major, bid 1NT.

When the opponents bid ...

Inverted Minors are off.  Minor suit raises and NT bidding reverts to the normal meaning
1C: (1H/1S) ? - a 2C bid is 6-9 points and a 5 card suit.   
1D: (1H/1S) ?  - a 2D bid is 6-9 points and depending on your system promises 4 diamonds (Short Club) or 5 diamonds (Better Minor).
1C/1D: (1H/1S) ? - a 1NT bid is 6-9 HCP, no 4-5 card major and cover (A or K) of their suit. If you don't have cover, pass or support partners bid suit, as stated above.

Winning Way

It was smiles all around when Berry Bridge Club combined it annual Christmas Party with the annual award presentations. It was close to a full house with nearly all current members attending the event which was held on held on Saturday, December 15. An excellent luncheon was provided with plenty of good cheer.

The 2018 Awards were as follows:

Chris & Wayne Houghton

Kath Kean 1. Faye Prince 1. Jan Griffiths
2. Brenda Miller 2. Eddie Garkut
3. Dorothy Fry 3. Terry Crockford
1. Jeannette Bright 1. Cec Lewis 1. Pauline Slonim
2. Pam Bingle 2. Max Lewis 2. Lyn Baxter
3. (Equal) Katie Ems
Ray Parris
3. Helen Thornbury 3. Lynn King

All these members were suitably acknowledged, by our President, Lee Ann Roberts, for their exemplary efforts. Bridge, bring a hard taskmaster, it is not easy to come up aces so the awards are fitting recognition.

As this was our last club meeting for the year Lee Ann thanked all her committee for their continuing hard work and reminded members that BRIDGE WILL RESUME ON SATURDAY JANUARY 5. Another successful bridge year for the Berry Club!

If you require any information regarding the club and sessions, please contact Lee Ann Roberts on 4464 2742 or myself, Marea Allen on 44223343

Marea Allen - Media