Berkhamsted Bowls Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Payment Options
Payment Details

Electronic bank transfers are the preferred payment option. The minimum payment is £21 (i.e. 6 weeks play). Payments should be made electronically to:

  • Account Name:                  Lesley Brown or Elizabeth Temple
  • Sort Code:                        07-09-76
  • Account No:                      03959699
  • Payment Reference:          BBBC XXxxxx (eg BBBC SElms, BBBC AAdams , BBBC NSmith etc.)

When paying electronically please use your personal BBBC Bank Reference in the Payment Reference field; this can also be found HERE.

If you do not use online or telephone banking, you could alternatively ask your Bridge partner or a friend to pay electronically on your behalf, using your Payment Reference in the bank payment reference field. Alternatively, you could pay by cheque using the above information or speak to either of the Bridge Managers for further help.