In a special ceremony on Friday March 2nd, 2018, Suzanne Donoghue was awarded Life Membership of the club. The citation reads:
"In Recognition and Sincere Appreciation of your Long and Distinguished Contribution to Bega Valley Bridge Club (Inc.), we are pleased to confer Membership of the Club for Life to Suzanne Donoghue, together with all of the rights and privileges of such membership.
The Club acknowledges your meritorious service, dedicated support and outstanding achievements as a member of the Club for 28 years, Masterpoint Secretary for 25 years, Secretary for 20 years and Director for 25 years. We also express our gratitude for your diligence and expertise as a Bridge player, Director, teacher, mentor and administrator.
BVBC also acknowledges your achievements in competitive Bridge, at club level and in local, regional, State and National Competitions:
♠ Top of Club Percentages for 25 years
♥ Top 100 in Australia Wide Pairs Competition on 11 occasions
♦ 1st In National Competitions on two occasions
♣ Top 20 in State Wide Pairs Competitions six times. First on two occasions
It is also recorded that your ABF Status is “Gold Life” with 1168.26 Masterpoints.
We also recognize your contribution in promoting the sport of Bridge by sharing your knowledge and expertise with the many students that you have taught over the past three decades.
We thank you most sincerely."