Beechwood Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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CBAI Rules and Regulations September 2018

The CBAI has updated rules regarding Announcements and Doubles.  See Menu link 2018 CBAI Rules and Regulations for full details. 

Fanagan League Success

Congratulations to our team captained by Brendan Ruddy with Ann Spain, Peter Dunne and Tony Hamilton winning their section of the Intermediate B section of the Fanagan league, pictured on 12 May 2019

Fanagan  League Success
Beechwood Trophy 2019

Congratulations to Cora Heffernan, winner of the Beechwood Trophy April 2019. Cora is pictured here with Sally Keane (Club Secretary) and Mary Cunningham (Club Treasurer).

Beechwood Trophy 2019
Fanagan League Success May 2018

Celebrating our Novice Team success in the Fanagan League and the return of Kaz to the club. 

Fanagan  League Success May 2018
Harvest Trophy 2019
Harvest Trophy 2019

Congratualtions to Una Martin and Martina Davis, winners of the Harvest Trophy 2019.  Pictured here with our presdient Peter Dunne.